posted ago by JohnTitor17 ago by JohnTitor17 +31 / -1

This post is essentially to remind everyone that without an OPEN MIND to ideas that directly contradict our current beliefs, zero new learning can occur.
Anyone could be forgiven for calling me pretentious; it's not lost on me. But how many others on here 'like' and actively welcome comments of disagreement on their OP? u/Bubble_Bursts? lol
I never know what someone else knows, that's why I value thoughtful rebuttals particularly.

On the importance of an open mind and always seeking truth.

I touched on the main point of this post yesterday on a post by u/xchainlinkx titled "IDF murders American human rights activist"

Does anyone else find it interesting… Or has it crossed anyone else's mind… That the relatively new (majority) opinion among Digital Soldiers re the Israel/Palestine issue is right where Trump and Q team wanted us to ultimately end up?

There are several commonly held opinions & positions that Trump/Q could never have 'told us to have.'

We had to go through this pause to come to the conclusion ourselves. Never forget, the legacy majority opinion is usually the wrong one.

"YOU MUST SHOW THEM..." was never just for the normies.

There WILL BE more to come as far as our opinions and beliefs…
A big one for myself was on (mainstream) Religion. Grew up non-denominational Christian. Christian school, church twice a week. Hard pill to swallow for many, myself included. If you've ever read any of my comments before, there's a 50/50 chance I was quoting Jesus somewhere in it. Trust me when I say it's a pill I had to swallow years ago when I was spending 14hrs/day researching not just Q, but more broadly, the topics he spoke about.


From the Judeo-Christian/western perspective, Where did the concept of child sacrifice originate?
The [Roman] Catholic Church:
Started by Rome
Endorsed by Rome
Assembled by Rome
...including what books they 'allowed' to become the Bible... (council of Nicaea)
WHO incited Rome to kill Jesus?
Whose power was threatened?
See where I'm going with this?

And again don't get me wrong… The only one that quotes scripture here more than I do is probably u/Penisse lol.

I want to end by saying I don't encourage anyone to agree with me because of this short post. That's not the aim.
My goal is to plant a seed in the open-minded among you who, through their own love of Jesus Christ and Truth would be motivated to dig further.

The above is just one area where we as individuals must unlearn what we have learned. Seek and you WILL find.

The collective must come to the conclusion on an individual person by person basis.
Trump and Q team will meet us on the other side.



Credit to u/randomacct1024 for the legitimate comment:

I don't think God would have allowed the bible to be corrupted.

Decide for yourself:

In the days of the antiparasitic drug Ivermectin easily curing many illnesses… You guys will love this one:

Jesus speaking to his disciples who were trying to cast out a demon the way he taught them but were unable to… "This kind (of demon) be not removed but by prayer and fasting" ~Matthew 17:21

⬆️ Removed from many translations of the Bible, especially newer ones:

Do you know what else Fasting does?
Kills many parasites! 👀

List (incomplete) of NT Verses that have been removed from some translations of the Bible:
Matthew 17:21
Matthew 18:11
Matthew 23:14
Mark 7:16
Mark 9:44 and 9:46
Mark 11:26
Mark 15:28
Luke 17:36

In 1684, Pope Innocent XI (🙄) ordered the removal of 14 books from most versions of the Bible, except for the 1611 English translation. These books included 1 Esdras, 2 Esdras, Tobit, Judith, The Rest of Esther, The Wisdom of Solomon, and 8 others...

Don't take my word for it. Just seek. You will find friends.