Hospitals and doctors have a purpose and do a lot of good as long as they are well informed and take their hypocritic oath seriously. The problem is the funding and steering of medical research has gone off the rails to profiteering.
Edit: that said the funding needs to be steered towards homeopathic treatments, therapies, and general wellness practices
I'm very aware of this. It took a turn for the worst when the American Medical Association was purchased by a Rockefeller. The medical field has been fucked up for the last hundred years since. Same deal with our education once Ghislane Maxwell's father became the exclusive person selling textbooks to schools.
I dunno, 20 years ago was my last visit and they did a pretty good job in my opinion. I wasn't about to just stare at that ulna poking out of my arm.
Hospitals and doctors have a purpose and do a lot of good as long as they are well informed and take their hypocritic oath seriously. The problem is the funding and steering of medical research has gone off the rails to profiteering.
Edit: that said the funding needs to be steered towards homeopathic treatments, therapies, and general wellness practices
I'm very aware of this. It took a turn for the worst when the American Medical Association was purchased by a Rockefeller. The medical field has been fucked up for the last hundred years since. Same deal with our education once Ghislane Maxwell's father became the exclusive person selling textbooks to schools.
Holy shit! I had no idea about this. The same Rockefeller family that created the marketing scheme that oil was a finite resource??? Figures eh?
Yup. Same guy who coined the phrase "fossil fuel".
I’ve heard if you HAVE to go to the hospital go when you have a broken bone, otherwise stay the hell away from them.