WHAT??? During Debate, Kamala Harris Claims She Won't Come After People's Guns Because She's a Gun Owner (VIDEO) | The Gateway P...
The topic of guns came up a few times during the debate tonight, usually because Trump rightly claimed that Kamala Harris would go after people’s guns.
Bad move on her part. Triggered some on her base such that they will go Green Party. Triggered more with fracking.
Shenis after trump voters as she can't win unless 50 percent of trump voters go for her.
Amen, she will destroy the party.
I won’t believe her until I see video proof of her shooting some targets and talking in a stereotypical redneck accent. Then I still won’t believe her, but I’ll be thoroughly entertained.
Amen, I am not buying her story either. She has a serious credibility problem.
So, she is a ''White supremacist'', because she has guns.
She is just brain dead and the Globalists do all her thinking for her.
" What are your favorite guns " good follow-up XD get her on the record for when she tries to talk about gun control OR stump her.
Remind her she and Joe provided military weapons to the Taliban and Ukraine which many ended up on the Black Market. She can just STHU.
We all know Trump is a gun owner and has his CCW. Trump and Vance should go to a privately owned gun range and fire a couple clips through their guns and call out Tweedledee and Tweedledum then upload on social media
She can go pound sand with all her lies.
What, a teeny pearl handle pea-shooter in her nightstand?
I doubt she owns one.
How many came across the border with guns ?
Don't know about that but she is a liar. Trump needs to build a range and do shooting kids.
I doubt she even owns a gun.
Thank you for the link. We all know she is full of it, she recently spoke out about taking guns. We are not as stupid as she looks.
Her "gun" is probably a .380 or maybe a 9mm.
She absolutely will do what she can to ban "weapons of war" which is anything that isn't legal to sell in New Jersey.
I suspect a figment of her imaginary lie.
She can't stop lying, so I wouldn't fight you on that.
Social media keeps calling her out on each lie.
She owns a revolver. She found it in a dumpster near a school. It has "Hunter" engraved on the crane.
I thought that being the gun owner was her vp's job.
Can you really believe anything she says ?
She sounds like the same liar Obummer was.