We are not in a fight between liberals and conservatives. We are in a fight between good and evil, unless you approve Satanism being taught in schools, for example.
I don't know where to draw the line on this one.
Would you be okay with full page publications of millions of wallstreet journal magazines saying
all Hindus and Indians shit on the streets, smell disgusting, scam people, drink cow piss daily, are disgusting and filthy?
All jews are pedos, all Jews are ugly, All jews are vermin?
All.. ALL blacks are baboons, have IQ below 50, and are subhuman
If it's not okay to publish on print-media circulating worldwide, its not okay to do so on X
Free speech is free to criticize, debate, oppose, and bring out evidence in a civilized manner. If it's not done properly, it doesn't deserve REACH
Unfortunately, X is enabling REACH of these scumbags. What Barry Fatass Stanton was doing is not OK.
most teens nowadays are online and even if outwardly these groups never experience any racist attacks against them, subconsciously when people see this stuff about Hindus, Jews, blacks etc. online it affects how they treat them
No one will outwardly say anything in real life, but it will definitely affect how people perceive them in school or at work.
Instead of publishing such disgusting (and yes they were indeed vomit-inducing) AI and real images dehumanizing people, why doesn't the faggot Barry Stanton raise an army to go to his Government and stop importing these people into his home country? The fault lies in the UK and US government who are mass importing these people.
Regardless of your opinion, he deserves a voice on X much like all of us
I've been banned right here several times,for moving forward to fast on certain issues.
Do you think I care,or have hurt feeling? Do I go around shit talking mods?
I don't.
We are in a war.
I have one focus,that is winning.
No he doesn’t.
Because when your voice repeats the same message of pointing the finger at blacks and none whites in almost each post:
You have to ask what that person’s motive really is?
What action is he pushing for:
In my view. He is a deep state shill designed to divide the people on racial lines.
In my view:
The white hats know who is agitating division on x.
They will remove that shill when the timing is right.
does he?
We are not in a fight between liberals and conservatives. We are in a fight between good and evil, unless you approve Satanism being taught in schools, for example.
I don't know where to draw the line on this one. Would you be okay with full page publications of millions of wallstreet journal magazines saying
If it's not okay to publish on print-media circulating worldwide, its not okay to do so on X
Free speech is free to criticize, debate, oppose, and bring out evidence in a civilized manner. If it's not done properly, it doesn't deserve REACH
Unfortunately, X is enabling REACH of these scumbags. What Barry Fatass Stanton was doing is not OK.
most teens nowadays are online and even if outwardly these groups never experience any racist attacks against them, subconsciously when people see this stuff about Hindus, Jews, blacks etc. online it affects how they treat them
No one will outwardly say anything in real life, but it will definitely affect how people perceive them in school or at work.
Instead of publishing such disgusting (and yes they were indeed vomit-inducing) AI and real images dehumanizing people, why doesn't the faggot Barry Stanton raise an army to go to his Government and stop importing these people into his home country? The fault lies in the UK and US government who are mass importing these people.
Fucking faggot.