It is hard to comprehend that there are that many sick people out there. I really wonder what % of the population? Is that perhaps the 4-6% or is it more like 20-25%?
You can sense the evil on these people... I can anyway. They have this almost visible aura of sickness to them. The redhead in Austin powers... Dr evils son.. just gave me this vibe today when I saw a few seconds of the movie I have seen in a decade. I can't believe these people used to entertain me. I'm thankful the veil dropped 🙏
If anyone has ever looked the part of a pedo, it is Rainn Wilson.
Patton Oswalt is another one with that look and posting habit
Q: How do you know Patton Oswalt is blackmailed. A : He has a career in Hollywood despite being a fucking Weeble looking troll.
The fat faggot likely killed his wife.
These people need to be put down!
Yes. He is one evil dude!!!
Yes...Pure Evil. 🤬
It is hard to comprehend that there are that many sick people out there. I really wonder what % of the population? Is that perhaps the 4-6% or is it more like 20-25%?
I don't think it's that many. It's just that they have so much control. Just 1% in the US would be over 3.4 million deviates. That is a lot!
I agree.
At this point I'm honestly questioning how many humans actually have souls. And how many don't and just operate on instinct and hivemind bullshit.
Maybe the same percentage who admit to having no internal monologue?
63,000,000 abortions since RvW
You can sense the evil on these people... I can anyway. They have this almost visible aura of sickness to them. The redhead in Austin powers... Dr evils son.. just gave me this vibe today when I saw a few seconds of the movie I have seen in a decade. I can't believe these people used to entertain me. I'm thankful the veil dropped 🙏
yeah they just give me the 'ick'
That's Seth Green and He's absolutely a sicko. RIP Isaac Kappy.
Representative Meek Mike Johnson.
And why Hati, gross gross place and extremely gross people