" FBI whistleblower
“To the American people, you have a duty as a citizen to vote...I know people have doubts about election integrity, but you must vote, it is your claim. Stake your claim and don’t forfeit it willingly.”
He also urged Americans to arm themselves..........."
My only question is... '00' Buckshot... or 1 oz high velocity slugs?
9 smaller holes... or one BIG hole?
Alternate slug, buck, slug, buck.... Have both.
?? Sandpaper and 91% alcohol.
I would go for the BIG HOLE.... .338 LAPUA MAG DOES WONDERS on a 2x4, 2x6, 4x4, 6x6!!!!!! Just sayin'!!!!!
Also, 308/7.62 is a REAL wonder also!!!!! Just sayin'!!!!
Remington 00 only has eight pellets, but is said to produce very consistent patterns. I would opt for the buckshot. A little more likely to find the target when under duress.