Isnt this meeting illegal? Trump is not an elected official, and holds no public office which would grant him the authority to engage in any diplomatic negotiations with any nation on behalf of the U.S. The Logan Act is a federal law that criminalizes the negotiation of a dispute between the United States and a foreign government by an unauthorized American citizen.
Maybe this is the beginning of the awakening for them, realizing Trump is still President
maybe someone should remind this liberal that Renegade followed Trump all over the world after Trump got in office, Renegade having meetings with world leaders trying to derail Trump.
The people with severe TDS would kill their first born to stop Trump. If Trump cured cancer they would rather kill themselves than admit he did. I am not exaggerating. These people are basically animals with rabies with a bump of crack.
Vlad doesn't look happy, and Trump looks like he not taking shit from anyone. Hoping Trump told him he wants all the money back.
Yahoo comment from a Liberal:
Isnt this meeting illegal? Trump is not an elected official, and holds no public office which would grant him the authority to engage in any diplomatic negotiations with any nation on behalf of the U.S. The Logan Act is a federal law that criminalizes the negotiation of a dispute between the United States and a foreign government by an unauthorized American citizen.
Maybe this is the beginning of the awakening for them, realizing Trump is still President
In all honesty he can meet with whomever he wants. Just like bush and obama do.
maybe someone should remind this liberal that Renegade followed Trump all over the world after Trump got in office, Renegade having meetings with world leaders trying to derail Trump.
Yup. And John Kerry did the same thing. It was crickets from the left.
Go to Yahoo and comment him directly. The comment section is flooded with tards you'd think they're the majority
I wonder why that commenter has any issue with them meeting. Is he concerned that Trump will de-escalate the war?
The people with severe TDS would kill their first born to stop Trump. If Trump cured cancer they would rather kill themselves than admit he did. I am not exaggerating. These people are basically animals with rabies with a bump of crack.
Go to Yahoo comment, i think he's at the top or many dems there acting like they're the majority
But isn't the dispute with Russia and not the US?
Listen, you little bitch, I'm your new daddy now. Back the fuck off, or I let Vlad steamroll you.
Guess they don't have suits and ties in the Ukraine.
Might he have a satellite photo of Vlads crib in his breast pocket?
Zelensky looks like a kid being led to the principal’s office.
Why can't zelensky ever put on a suit and tie