I chant it over and over, mostly in my mind, while working outside, making firewood, walking, etc. But sometimes also quietly.
There is a city in eastern Finland named for this most glorious archangel. Marshall Mannerheim had his HQ there when fighting the Communists who invaded tiny Finland, fighting against such odds to retain her independence.
Today, 9/29 is Mikkelinpäivä, Michael's Day. There is a saying in Finnish:
Mitä ilmaa Mikkeliin, sitä sitten Köyriin.
"Whatever the weather is on Michael's Day, it will be until Koyri." Or Kekri--10/31, halfway between autumn equinox and winter solstice.
You do understand only God and Jesus can hear your prayers in your head. Not even the devil can hear your silent prayers. Which means neither can an archangel. God answers prayers. Jesus is the connection. Why pray to the created and not the creator?
He does know. And you would rather pray to a creation of His, than to Him directly? Then why did God send His only Son to die? So we can pray to Michael? Why not pray to a tree. Or the sun? Maybe your tennis shoes? All God’s creations. See what I mean? An angle is a creation. Like me and you are. The scripture, Jesus lays it out very well. What did Christ do? Did Jesus pray to the Earth at the garden of Gethsemane? Did he pray to the sky to heal a blind man? Name one time when Jesus prayed for an angle to help Him? Never happened. So if Jesus is the only path to God, then why would anyone pray to an angle for help? If anything praying to another source outside of Christ and the Father is idolatry. And straight up wrong. God killed over 3,000 when they were praying to a golden calf.
And you would rather pray to a creation of His, than to Him directly?
We ask each other for prayers all the time, here on GAW even. Why not ask people already in heaven, who have direct access to the Throne, to also pray on your behalf? We are all one community, the church on earth and the church in heaven.
I have had as my Trump Prayer since 2015:
Archangel Michael protect him
Archangel Michael protect him
Archangel Michael protect and deliver him
Archangel Michael protect him
I chant it over and over, mostly in my mind, while working outside, making firewood, walking, etc. But sometimes also quietly.
There is a city in eastern Finland named for this most glorious archangel. Marshall Mannerheim had his HQ there when fighting the Communists who invaded tiny Finland, fighting against such odds to retain her independence.
Today, 9/29 is Mikkelinpäivä, Michael's Day. There is a saying in Finnish:
Mitä ilmaa Mikkeliin, sitä sitten Köyriin.
"Whatever the weather is on Michael's Day, it will be until Koyri." Or Kekri--10/31, halfway between autumn equinox and winter solstice.
You do understand only God and Jesus can hear your prayers in your head. Not even the devil can hear your silent prayers. Which means neither can an archangel. God answers prayers. Jesus is the connection. Why pray to the created and not the creator?
God is all knowing, so he gets what he meant.
He does know. And you would rather pray to a creation of His, than to Him directly? Then why did God send His only Son to die? So we can pray to Michael? Why not pray to a tree. Or the sun? Maybe your tennis shoes? All God’s creations. See what I mean? An angle is a creation. Like me and you are. The scripture, Jesus lays it out very well. What did Christ do? Did Jesus pray to the Earth at the garden of Gethsemane? Did he pray to the sky to heal a blind man? Name one time when Jesus prayed for an angle to help Him? Never happened. So if Jesus is the only path to God, then why would anyone pray to an angle for help? If anything praying to another source outside of Christ and the Father is idolatry. And straight up wrong. God killed over 3,000 when they were praying to a golden calf.
We are not praying TO St. Michael. We are asking him to intercede for us. It’s good to have friends in high places.
We ask each other for prayers all the time, here on GAW even. Why not ask people already in heaven, who have direct access to the Throne, to also pray on your behalf? We are all one community, the church on earth and the church in heaven.