posted ago by Qanaut ago by Qanaut +216 / -0


Anons and Patriots of The Great Awakening; Digital Soldiers and Keyboard Warriors all,

We stand at the gates of a dawning of a new age. The future holds untold wonders for humanity. Before we can cross over into this new golden age, first we must venture through the abyss where those darkest of demons have hidden themselves and festered like parasites, feeding upon the flesh and soul of humanity.

This past century, humanity has been infected and infested by the parasite of the Cabal and their many Deep State tentacles around the world. These parasites are of both the mind, body and soul. To liberate humanity would be to flush these villainous vermin systematically and systemically from our planet.

How do you begin such a daunting task? Do you begin with spiritual warfare, praying for those who have found themselves the victims of crimes against humanity, and praying for vengeance upon those who have perpetrated these dastardly deeds? Do you begin with physical warfare, saving as many as you can while punishing those responsible? Do you instead begin with the mind, initiating a psychological operation of global proportions to both expose the imbedded Deep State operatives while waking up the normie population to their crimes?

The answer, as dear old Bilbo Baggins would say, is all of them at once! You bombard the elements of the Cabalists and Deep Staters with Spiritual, Physical, Psychological, and Fifth Generational Warfare, and you call to arms countless Anons and Patriots to join in this fight from all across the globe. You raise an army of digital soldiers and keyboard warriors who weaponize the autism that was inflicted upon them by the Cabal to bring down the greatest criminal Cartel, Mafia, and Cabal the world has ever seen.


Q said it best when they told is that this would be BIBLICAL!



Why do the Cabalists and Deep Staters target the children of humanity? Why do they prey upon the most innocent among us? This is a question that has haunted many an Anon throughout the years in which we have fought this war against the satanic forces of the Cabal.

The answer is that through innocence the Cabal gain their power. This power is both literal and figurative. They prey upon not just the innocence of humanity's children, but the innate innocence of humanity itself. The vast majority of the people of the world are good hearted kind souls who only ever seek to take care of their families and live in peace among like minded neighbors.

With innocence comes a certain ignorance as well. As the saying goes, ignorance is bliss. Humanity have grown complacent in their imagined world of peace and tranquility. For too long they have not seen that which goes bump in the night, and hides in the shadows. They have pretended that such vampirical creatures do not exist, and anyone who attempted to alert them to the existence of such evil was cast out as a conspiracy theorist.

Adrenochrome is real. The harvesting of fear heightened adrenaline is real. Monsters Incorporated was a documentary telling us the transparent truth of the Cabal's abduction of children and their reason for doing so.

Humanity is innocent to a fault. They have learned to defend that innocence with ignorance. Through ignorance the day of judgement can be postponed and the days of tranquility prolonged. Sooner or later, the debt becomes due and the pustulous boils of evil growing upon the collective soul of humanity become fit to burst forth in a torrent of truth and reckoning.

The day of judgement is upon all of humanity. The crimes of the Cabal WILL BE EXPOSED. The truth cannot be denied any longer. Humanity must come face to face with that which their ignorance has facilitated. The collective power of humanity could have flushed out the forces of the Cabal long ago had the will been there to do so.

The darkest hour of humanity draws near. We must collectively, as one, traverse this darkness in order that humanity be united across all party lines as one people against the wicked and evil demonic entities who masquerade as our politicians, musicians, actors, and entertainers.


For many decades, the Cabalists have traded in the flesh and blood of humanity's children. They used our children as assets to be traded for fame, wealth, power, and ultimately CONTROL. Jeffery Epstein was but one member of the global child sex trafficking ring. His role was in the circles of Hollywood where he ensnared many an actor in the pedophile blackmail and bribery scheme. Diddy did much the same in the inner circles of the music industry.

The Cabalists sought to subtly influence and control humanity from the shadows by gaining the ultimate form of control over their politicians and entertainers. Get a politician or actor on film doing the most heinous, vile, and evil of things to humanity's children and you have the ultimate control over that person. These rituals were not merely for gaining physical control, but also mental, and spiritual control as well.

Those politicians and actors who are guilty of these crimes against humanity have sold their souls to Lucifer, Baal, Baphomet and countless other demonic entities. Some sought out this deal, while others were undoubtedly coerced into it. Regardless, they are all condemned. Only God may grant them forgiveness for what they have done if they repent their sins. Remember that even upon the cross, Jesus provided salvation for the criminal who saw the errors in his ways and came to Jesus defense.


What happened to the children of Haiti in the aftermath of the catastrophic earthquake?

What happened to the children of Hawaii in the aftermath of the horrendous fire?

What is happening to the children of Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Tennessee in the aftermath of the terrible Hurricane Helene?

Why was the record breaking hurricane that hit the United States named Helene?

Let us explore the former three questions before we get to that ultimate of historical symbology. The answer is that throughout the history of the world, many such disasters have been utilized by the Cabalists and their Deep State puppets to replenish their supply of children for their satanic rituals and blackmail operations.

The children of Haiti went missing after the fire wreaked havoc upon the island. This disaster displaced over half a million children from their homes. Through the chaos, many of these children ended up being orphaned or outright abducted. Of those who were orphaned, the foster care in America further facilitated their trafficking to politicians and high profile actors around the world.

The same is true for the children of Hawaii. The missing children report from the fires of Hawaii are in the thousands. Many are reported as missing, unaccountable, or deceased. How easy it is for the Cabalist to use these tragedies to infiltrate rescue operations under the guise of aide and abscond with the children of the victims of these horrible disasters.

But how do the Cabalists conduct these terrible and evil deeds? What organization do they utilize to their wicked ends?


The Red Cross has been implicated in not only the laundering of disaster relief funds, but also the trafficking of children in the wake of such events. Funds donated to the Red Cross for disaster relief, particularly after events like the 2010 Haiti earthquake, have been provenly misused, misallocated, or straight up missing! Instead of aiding the victims, substantial portions of these funds have been diverted elsewhere to parts "unknown".

During the chaos of these so called natural disasters, children are more easily abducted, and organizations like the Red Cross are undoubtedly involved either directly or negligently in the tracking and reporting of missing children.


Q Post 1249:


Q told us to define smuggle.

Q asked us what is smuggled?

Q asked us what funds are used to pay for the goods?


Not only do they abduct the children of humanity in the aftermath of disasters, but so too do they allocate disaster relief funds for the purposes of trading these children on the Cabal's black market.


Remember that number 1249 Anons... it shall come in the symbolism of Part II of this post . . .




Remember WHY the stockpiles of United States owned Uranium were being pilfered and plundered under the Obama Administration with the help of Hillary Clinton.

Obama's administration was to serve as the first eight years of the sixteen year plan that would see the total annihilation and obliteration of The United States of America.

It should be transparently clear to all Americans at this point the reason for the trafficking of untraced Uranium from the American stockpile. The plan was provided to us well in advance in the narrative form of the film THE SUM OF ALL FEARS. The plan was for uranium to be covertly smuggled offshores from the stockpiles of The United States of America during the Obama Administration for the creation of untraceable thermonuclear weapons that would be used against millions of United States and Russian citizens during the planned Hillary Clinton Administration that never happened.

There is a reason why the Democrat party were so quick to pivot to Russian interference in the aftermath of the 2016 election, and why they have again pivoted to this playbook yet again in 2024. The goal was always to spark a war between Russia and America and to watch as our nations mutually destroyed one another. The Cabal cared not if they ruled over the ashes of the aftermath of a global thermonuclear war. They would have their victory at any cost.

Ever since the Q team disarmed the Cabal's election interference system in 2016, the Cabalists have been desperate to get their 16 year plan of destruction back on track. It is for this reason that war with Iran is now in the news along side Hurricane Helene and the looming November election. There are no coincidences Anons!


Some astute Anons may be asking themselves at this point in this series of posts what Uranium One has to do with child sex trafficking and natural disasters such as the Haiti Earthquake and Hurricane Helene.

To this point I ask yet another series of questions:

How does the Cabal smuggle children away from the nations affected by natural disasters?

How does the Cabal smuggle Uranium, one of the most traceable elements on the face of the Earth, across great distances?

Why is there a widespread dock worker strike occurring simultaneously with the aftermath of a record breaking hurricane?

What do all of these happenings have in common with one another?

Q-Post 3856

DEFINE EVERGREEN [HRC USSS code name] — Non-standard definition — think depopulation.

Think SHIPPING CONTAINERS! This is how the Cabal traffic in children and weapons of mass destruction. This is how they smuggle thermonuclear weapons into the heart of America and abduct hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even MILLIONS of children world wide!

Evergreen Marine Corporation, commonly known simply as Evergreen, is a major Taiwanese multinational conglomerate focused primarily on shipping and logistics.

What do Taiwan and Ukraine both have in common with one another? Are these sovereign nations, or Cabal owned Dark States that facilitate in the global human trafficking, nuclear weapons, and bioweapons programs?

Why did Vladimir Putin really invade Ukraine? Was it a play for territory as the Deep State news networks would have you believe, or was it a preemptive strike upon the trafficking networks and weapons facilities of the Cabal?

Will Xi Jinping launch a strike in October or November upon Taiwan for similar reasons? What is Taiwan hiding from the world? What are the Evergreen shipping containers really being used for?

I ask again: Why is there a widespread dock worker strike occurring right now during Red October? What does such a strike affect? Does it not completely gridlock the ingoing and outgoing merchandise to and from American shores? Would such a shutdown prevent the Cabal from capitalizing upon the disaster of Hurricane Helene and the human trafficking that is undoubtedly taking place in the states affected by this terrible storm?

The official narrative of this dockworker strike makes no sense when taken at face value. The dock worker union is supposedly striking for better pay for their workers. Under ordinary circumstances, such a strike would be unpopular with the American people who depend upon the incoming and outgoing goods. Under the circumstances of a historical hurricane that has left unprecedented disaster in its wake? This is about the absolute worst time for a union strike if the goal is to garner good will from the American people to pressure their representatives into supporting the union's end goals. This strike makes the dock workers union look like absolute villains . . .

. . . unless there is more to the story!



This post is continued in Part II . . .