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Election Countdown special! High quality wallpaper for your enjoyment.
Today's wallpaper is Ready for the Storm? DC Edition
Yesterday's wallpaper: Enjoying the Ride?
(In addition to being a wallpaper, it is also suitable for making memes as well)
Making fun of kids is not okay. Maybe that boy is on the spectrum and has high anxiety, before the Covid vax, more and more kids have been subjected to chemicals in food, in other vaccines. Most kids start school way too young, they are handed off to daycare at the age of two, that is where the trouble starts. The "free" lunches are a combination of processed foods washed down with chocolate milk. By what you are saying then, you are oppossed to home schooling? Because I support it. Glad to say I raised a mountain man of a son, who would gladly punch another kid in the mouth if he was laughing at another child, for whatever reason.
The kids are on the spectrum because of the shots they receive from when they are born, not just the Covid vax. I'm also not in America, and the school lunches are actually not bad here. The problem is whatever they may be eating at home that is the problem. The standards here are better than in the USA, but regardless if they are getting processed, pre-made foods at home, that is a big contributor.
And to clear it up, I wasn't the one making fun of kids whose mothers came to school when I was a kid. When I said "we" I meant my classmates. I do not remember ever laughing at another kid whose mother visited the school because I was made fun of when we had parents visitation day. As for that boy at the school I teach, I've been doing this for many years and I've never seen a kid who requires his mother to be with him at all times. It's just bizarre that the school even permits that. The number of special needs children seem to be proliferating though, particularly the younger grades who were most likely given the Covid vax before they entered kindergarten.
Sorry you're having challenges...🙏
Yes, I agree, the shots that they received since birth, and whatever the mother ingested while pregnant. The boy you refer to may have severe separation anxiety, which is a symptom on the spectrum disorder. It is so wide, and getting worse. Public schools in my state of Vermont's budgets are over the top because of the mental health crisis in our schools, and the special needs students, there is not enough staff or people coming in to work as student aids to do 1 on 1. Years ago, there were special schools, for special needs, but that got abused too, with bright children being thrown in a school where they are given coloring books in 6th grade. Autism, in general, also goes along with high intelligence, its just that the way they process information, and poor behavior regulation, masks the intelligence. The more we know about nueroscience, the more developmental theory will be thrown out. And don't get me started about screen time and giving 3 year olds tablets, before they know how to relate to humans besides their immediate families. I misunderstood your post when you said "we used to make fun". Vermont is a small state, and in many schools that serve small towns, they try to do a "farm to table" menu from local farms, but that does not cover the entire meal, so the kids may be eating locally grown and organic carrots, but also on the plate are tater tots and chicken nuggets. Kids will eat what they are raised on. We did not even have cold cereal in our home, it was oatmeal, pancakes, potatoes and eggs and bacon. Now I grew a man who not only has never tasted a hot pocket in his life, but he can hunt, dress out a deer, and cook better than me.He went to church before he went to school, and learned how to behave there, so when it was time to "sit still and learn" he was prepared. Almost everything he learned he learned on his own though, I always felt that once a kid knows how to read, he can teach himself what he needs to know about the world, phllosophy, history, and now there is youtube, which we never had, and you can learn how to rewire your house, build your house, and install whatever is needed. I still think that kids are sent to schools too damn early, In this blue state, or purple state, there are great advantages to grow up based, but there is also welfare mothers who don't even work who are entitled to daycare. Maybe thats a good thing considering some of the homes these kids come from. If people are going to complain about the feminization of men, first thing to do is for good men to step up and become mentors and teachers, get those boys outdoors for part of the school day, hiking, fishing, making furniture, etc. The deep state and their school shootings also does not help, and the way the media goes on about it, I think a lot of kids today are terrified of things that we all never had to worry about .
Yes, I should have phrased that differently. You weren't the only one to misinterpret what I meant, as a handshake faggot named Lasdoap whose posts were all removed for faggotry and who's likely already been banned from this forum and has nothing better to do with his unhappy, shitlib life than to troll people on here through DMs, he accused me of being a drunk bully. No, I was the one who was bullied in school and it's given me deep empathy for my students. Even these troubled kids whose minds are half gone love me and always want to play with me.
My rant is how the number of these kids have proliferated. Just a couple of years ago, the kids who were 3rd graders (now are 5th) were so wonderful. Maybe one or two boys had issues, but they've shaped up as they tend to do, and I know that the current 3rd graders who are troublesome will shape up eventually too. But whereas several years ago there were maybe about 4-5 kids in the special needs classes, now that number is nearly triple and I don't think the food has changed significantly.
As for my daughter, she's eaten a McDonalds burger ONCE in her life and she didn't care for it. We typically make hamburgers at home, which is only about 2-3 times a year unfortunately, but whatever. Burger King in Japan, however, is FAWESOME. Unlike anything I'd tasted from a Burger King in America. I had one earlier this year and it was a mushroom ranch burger. Fantastic.