171 Rocket Man Comm From Dan 🚀🧑🚀 (twitter.com) posted 142 days ago by Joys1Daughter 142 days ago by Joys1Daughter +172 / -1 32 comments share 32 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Maybe it's just me but why did the male character in that video look like Barack Obummer???
That is the first thing I thought. Seems like comms to me.
He was hiding curled up like a little baby.
Perhaps this is the point where Obama claims diplomatic immunity claiming he was born in Kenya.
Then they extradited him back to Kenya out the back of a C17, in the Indian Ocean with a 40,000 foot drop. Would that make him a rocket man?
Depending on how fast the C17 was going upon ejection, he will probably be more like a skipping stone.
Yeah, and it said, "I'm not the man you think I am at all..."
Oh yes! I like your thoughts on this!!
I just started watching and that was my first thought too!!
BHO gave Iran $$$$$$$$$$$ to build the rockets that rained down on Israel the other night.
Me too. Avatar changed later on though
I didn't even think of it but I like your interpretation better than mine!