Colorado State patrol has been using these readers for years. They park at the side of the interstate and document cars entering and exiting major cities. In the city, the local police drive through parking lots looking for cars reported stolen (official story), but I have long had a feeling they are creating databases of behavior. My suspicions were verified when a news story broke that they arrested a human smuggler because he had a regular travel pattern that caused an investigation
This is the beast system's crescendo. Think Crusades and Inquisitions, but this time they have Big Tech... we need laws to address it NOW
It all started with Google Street View.
Colorado State patrol has been using these readers for years. They park at the side of the interstate and document cars entering and exiting major cities. In the city, the local police drive through parking lots looking for cars reported stolen (official story), but I have long had a feeling they are creating databases of behavior. My suspicions were verified when a news story broke that they arrested a human smuggler because he had a regular travel pattern that caused an investigation