I was asked to show this movie at our County GOP headquarters. I did NOT want to watch it again - I was raised in North Minneapolis. It hit close to home for me. I showed it tonight and was shocked at the number of people that showed up and had never seen it. This is a great movie to get into everyone’s mind before November 5. The Harris/Walz ticket can NOT be allowed! It is free online at thefallofminneaplis.com - it is also free on YouTube.
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I think the point I was getting at is to show the true nature of God despite his other qualities that seem to make Him less good, more harsh or unfair. I don't think the OT has a different God; rather, those scribes and pharisees never knew Him to begin with and so were not acting how He would have them to act. False believers spouting God's laws existed even in those times. Look into Marcionism to get more understanding of the arguements surrounding this good / bad God thing
Of course, “our Father who art in Heaven” was the True God during the Old Testament (and for all eternity) as He was in the New Testament.
If the OT scribes didn’t really know Him, how could their written religion be accurate? Might they have at times, at least, been confused by the “god of light” and the “god of this world”?