Latest Update: Northern Lights Forecast Upgraded For U.S. Tonight As Aurora Sighted In Europe
A G4 (Severe) geomagnetic storm is underway and aurora are visible from Europe and the U.K. It could mean northern lights for U.S. states down to California and Alabama.
It could be manipulation.
Sadly, it could also/alternatively be signaling further "pole shift".
If/when we get a full flop pole shift (it's "when" not "if", but we do not know when) ... that will be the worst, and probably last day, of most people's lives. The last time it happened we had "The Great Flood" and man had to rebuild from next to nothing.
Well God said we wouldn't be destroyed by flood again hence the rainbow ton remind us of that promise. Also, science can only speculate at what will happen. Perhapsnit happens all the time and we are completely unaware.
The poles are constantly moving. Unfortunately the data shows that they have been moving 10x or more faster in the last two decades than we've ever recorded in "modern times". This is not great news.
It does seem that the Earth's poles shift every 11-14k years, and when that happens the Earth is effectively reset. Half the Earth perishes in flood, half in fire. Hope that is not the case, but that is what seems to be the case. And we're in the zone for that to happen at any time. If it's real.
A "separate but related" theory is the theory that our sun goes micronova (as opposed to supernova) every ~12k years. There appears to be evidence in our soil (small glass beads) that this is so. This would be enough to cause the fire and subsequent worldwide flood that we have in the Bible, and could/would also cause the pole shift in question.
Gives new meaning to NCSWIC.
Yeah. Not fun to contemplate.