Latest Update: Northern Lights Forecast Upgraded For U.S. Tonight As Aurora Sighted In Europe
A G4 (Severe) geomagnetic storm is underway and aurora are visible from Europe and the U.K. It could mean northern lights for U.S. states down to California and Alabama.
The super-rich are all building bunkers and at the same time want to get off the planet.
They know the micronova + pole shift is coming. That is my guess.
It’s ok, I was given the 3 day suspension a couple times in 2020. I get it. I knew more could be accomplished if the election was stolen / lost. In the movie clip Q posted. Day the Earth Stood Still, the alien beings sun was dying and it forced the people of their planet change.
The media is acting like everything is back to normal and it’s not. Even what’s going on in western NC, it’s as if they want people to die in this nation. They want us to suffer and starve and as we look at the media, there millionaire presstitutes just keep telling us how amazing things are.
Elon and Trump seem to be very happy for a reason. Win or lose in November, it’s the best timeline. I’m not concerned about events short term. I know there’s an end event. It’s just that the things we have to go through are seemingly dark.
War is dark. And we’re in an emotional and mental war. This is possibly the most evil war ever waged. I believe it will be the last. A line has been crossed.
Surviving the creating of AI will be a test for humanity. There may be many things that happen very rapidly if "AGI" ever arrives (Artificial General Intelligence, meaning a sentient machine/body of code.).
There may also be Old Ones on this planet (Nephilim, Demons, etc.), or entities able to get to this planet (the "Machine Elves", "interdimensional space goblins", as Alex Jones famously described). I doubt it, but it's possible to read the Bible in such a way as to conclude it is telling us these entities exist. Shrug. Science has not found them yet, but absence of evidence is not necessarily evidence of absence.
Or an asteroid, a comet, Planet X, the sun, etc. could take us out.
Shrug. Gotta keep constructive and moving forward.
I do agree with you to look at Trump's and Musk's attitudes as good signs. I concluded that as well.
$ciience has found many a thing they will not tell us about. Elon told Tucker these UFOs are ours. They are advanced test air craft.
The surface population of this plant is in complete darkness. As Steve Bannon said. The worst thing about it all of this is that these tech geeks used our tax dollars to build this stuff.
Nikola Tesla said the future belongs to him. I believe the company named after him will be the slow orderly public face of hyper advanced tech disclosures for public use.
The UFOs are, in my opinion, the evolution of Graviton Engine vehicles that the NatSocs developed in the 1940s. We got most of their good physicists and chemists as a part of Operation Paperclip. And yes, these theories were very similar to/identical to the theories of Tesla. "If you want to understand the universe you must think in terms of frequency and vibration."
I presume you know that Trump's uncle was the custodian of Tesla's papers. Quite an interesting bit of info.
P.S. If we really have Graviton Engine vehicles, and we've mastered stealth tech, shielding, and oxygen production, then there is really no reason why we would not have already been to the entire galaxy. And there are multi-trillion dollar gaps in our budgets. This money was most likely used to create an underground network of roads and bases (DUMBs), but also to go further into space. There could be a base on the dark side of the moon, or on Mars, etc. We only know what the Press tells us. And we all know those assholes are liars.
Why not be honest. Why the mystery? Why not get everyone off the planet. If you are correct, and you may be. A grand unifying mission that must be accomplished will change society for the better. A new culture will be formed.
Amazing things can happen during these times. The cabal uses these events to shift society in the direction they choose. The good guys can do the same.
I agree with you; however your solution is one from a lover of mankind.
These people hate mankind.