I struggle with this every day, and have since the big TDS gigademic in '16. And then the nightmares of "covid" and the Steal.
I work so hard (especially now, with the personal stuff happening) to pull my mind out of dark places. I figure the Adversary pulls me there...but I find something interesting.
I can't resist it effectively as a Cosmic Battle of Good and Evil. I'm just a very small frog.
But when I think about how my positive or negative thoughts can create morphic fields for ALL YOU SMALL FROGS, it really helps me haul my mind and soul toward something brighter.
The one that gets me is how telling people how things are going to change for the better, but it will involve personal effort and stepping out in faith gets taken as a negative attitude.
Yeah, sure, it’s negative toward slavery and Satan worship, but it’s a positive attitude.
Even now when they see the problem, the solution is a negative. Come on, people!
Once one member of the species is able to accomplish something, then that knowledge somehow is shared and every member can access it. There are lots of examples like new fish lures constantly have to be invented because once the fish catch on, all of them do. It’s not like it’s just in one lake or something. Or if someone makes some huge breakthrough in some area of science, then likely multiple other people will independently make the same breakthrough around the same time.
we knew how to call the cows in . . . did it every day!
Call is for milking cows. Can't call a heifer away from a bull. Can't even call a milking cow from a bull, as I can attest! trying to bring one in for milking!
YEP...Me being from TEXAS needs to ask a question....
Has anyone on this here board EVER, I MEAN EVER, STOOD BEHIND A COW WHEN THEY FARTED??????????
I myself with a bunch of other guys stood behind a bovine when the farting started...OMG....IT WAS THE LONGEST FART THAT I HAVE EVER HEARD OR SMELLED....OMG!!!!!!!🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Wow... hundredth monkey effect. Cows are getting smarter. I lived on a farm and couldn't figure out how the cows were getting into my vegetable garden bc I had a cattle guard at the driveway and a fence around the yard. Sure enough on day I looked out my kitchen window and there they were. Practicality tiptoeing around the guard on about 3 inches of dirt holding the guard in place. I was amazed. 🥴
THIS!! ☝️
Absolutely this.
I struggle with this every day, and have since the big TDS gigademic in '16. And then the nightmares of "covid" and the Steal.
I work so hard (especially now, with the personal stuff happening) to pull my mind out of dark places. I figure the Adversary pulls me there...but I find something interesting.
I can't resist it effectively as a Cosmic Battle of Good and Evil. I'm just a very small frog.
But when I think about how my positive or negative thoughts can create morphic fields for ALL YOU SMALL FROGS, it really helps me haul my mind and soul toward something brighter.
Well, usually.
The one that gets me is how telling people how things are going to change for the better, but it will involve personal effort and stepping out in faith gets taken as a negative attitude.
Yeah, sure, it’s negative toward slavery and Satan worship, but it’s a positive attitude.
Even now when they see the problem, the solution is a negative. Come on, people!
100th monkey.
Once one member of the species is able to accomplish something, then that knowledge somehow is shared and every member can access it. There are lots of examples like new fish lures constantly have to be invented because once the fish catch on, all of them do. It’s not like it’s just in one lake or something. Or if someone makes some huge breakthrough in some area of science, then likely multiple other people will independently make the same breakthrough around the same time.
I read somewhere that cows have reginal accents just like people.
And they love beautiful women singing for them to come home.
we knew how to call the cows in . . . did it every day!
Call is for milking cows. Can't call a heifer away from a bull. Can't even call a milking cow from a bull, as I can attest! trying to bring one in for milking!
We didn't live on our farm,when the cows saw us drive up at the usual time,they headed for the barn on their own......
in the absence of a bull, of course!
The udders were on the wrong one or the right side????????????????????
ArmyLady, Tango Yankee for the laughter that has ensued...OMG!!!!!!
Yes my grandfather is from Northern Sweden. I've been their.....
YEP...Me being from TEXAS needs to ask a question....
Has anyone on this here board EVER, I MEAN EVER, STOOD BEHIND A COW WHEN THEY FARTED??????????
I myself with a bunch of other guys stood behind a bovine when the farting started...OMG....IT WAS THE LONGEST FART THAT I HAVE EVER HEARD OR SMELLED....OMG!!!!!!!🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
Old dairyfag here.
One never stands BEHIND a cow. Period.
"I read somewhere that cows have reginal accents just like people."
So, then... Canadian cows say "MOOO, eh?"
Yes. They sound different,I've noticed it myself.
Those Canadian steer in Regina do.
Heifers will jump impossible fences just to get to a neighboring bull.
sauce: experience
PS subject heifer was turned into hamburger.
sauce: experience, including eating of same.
Wow... hundredth monkey effect. Cows are getting smarter. I lived on a farm and couldn't figure out how the cows were getting into my vegetable garden bc I had a cattle guard at the driveway and a fence around the yard. Sure enough on day I looked out my kitchen window and there they were. Practicality tiptoeing around the guard on about 3 inches of dirt holding the guard in place. I was amazed. 🥴
We've been warned against herd medicine.
Rupert Sheldrake calls that "morphic resonance."