There seems to be something more to the Vem Miller story ...
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔
The man they just arrested for supposedly "trying to kill" Trump in my good friend and business partner for America Happens, Vem Miller.
Vem had just exposed a huge Deep State cover-up involving the Feds and the Bundy Ranch scandal.
The video referred to in the tweet: Bundy vs. Deep State - An Original America Happens Documentary
We shouldnt accept anybody's word at its face value, but rather hear everyone's side and come to our own conclusions.
Agree that Mindy's characterisation of the Sheriff is over the top and is causing people to attack her.
Please explain WHY he would have been let go on bond IF THERE IS SO MUCH EVIDENCE OF WRONG DOING LIKE MULTIPLE ID'S ETC. I can not understand them just letting him go. It did say that further charges, if any, would be filed by the FEDs. Is that to shut him up for doing a Bundy investigation etc. THIS DOES NOT PASS THE SMELL TEST. Can not wait to hear Trumps take on it all.