My vote says he’s a dumbfuck. He surrendered to police as an out of state resident and admitted to having weapons attempting to enter a federal restricted zone per 18 USC ss 1752. Shit will come out in court but my vote says he will lose and lose his guns.
Also notable that AJ rushed in to run cover for Miller, making a hilariously falsifiable comment that "a Libtard Sherrif just flipped out", referring to the openly pro Trump sheriff. LOL. Okay man.
If the right to bear arms is an absolute, unalienable right conferred by our Creator, then how is he wrong? It is either a right, or it is not. There is nothing in between.
The 2nd A is not for us, it is meant to put government on notice that they have 0 power / authority over the right to bear arms.
There is no degree of right or wrong, it is either 100%, or it is 0.
My vote says he’s a dumbfuck. He surrendered to police as an out of state resident and admitted to having weapons attempting to enter a federal restricted zone per 18 USC ss 1752. Shit will come out in court but my vote says he will lose and lose his guns.
I would never go to CA - mainly because of the gun laws. Dumbfuck, even if the story is 100% true
And that after two known assassination attempts on DJT, one nearly successful.
I think this tweet summarizes the most anyone can say about him, for or against, at this point.
Also notable that AJ rushed in to run cover for Miller, making a hilariously falsifiable comment that "a Libtard Sherrif just flipped out", referring to the openly pro Trump sheriff. LOL. Okay man.
If the right to bear arms is an absolute, unalienable right conferred by our Creator, then how is he wrong? It is either a right, or it is not. There is nothing in between.
The 2nd A is not for us, it is meant to put government on notice that they have 0 power / authority over the right to bear arms.
There is no degree of right or wrong, it is either 100%, or it is 0.
He is certainly dumb at the very least.
I'll hypothesize that they are trying to pin blame on a "maga supporter" to show how "nobody supports a Trump presidency"
Nothing else makes sense.
Holy crap.