Based on what advanced biochemists know, no. Lots of very geeky sci-fi explored that idea. But everything on this planet seems to be, and it's not yet fully apparent why that is. It's almost as if it were specially designed by a super genius or something... Which is probably why every serious scientist in the real world that I've ever encountered is a true believer in intelligent design and usually extremely religious.
I guess you'd have to define lifeforms. Would you consider a robot with AI a lifeform? I just wonder how ivermectin would do anything to nanochips. What mechanism would make Ivermctin effective against a computer chip? Rhetorical question because I doubt any one on here can come up with that answer.
Can lifeforms only be carbon based?
Based on what advanced biochemists know, no. Lots of very geeky sci-fi explored that idea. But everything on this planet seems to be, and it's not yet fully apparent why that is. It's almost as if it were specially designed by a super genius or something... Which is probably why every serious scientist in the real world that I've ever encountered is a true believer in intelligent design and usually extremely religious.
I guess you'd have to define lifeforms. Would you consider a robot with AI a lifeform? I just wonder how ivermectin would do anything to nanochips. What mechanism would make Ivermctin effective against a computer chip? Rhetorical question because I doubt any one on here can come up with that answer.