I deeply apologize if this is not allowed but I am throwing all caution to the wind. I had an experience that lead me to Christ. It was the greatest decision of my life. It was the same experience that set me searching based on certain behaviors for understanding and that led me to Q and to this board. I have kept my head down for years. Not so much from fear but more from situations that have kept me too busy to think of anything else. I am so grateful for this board and the fellowship here. I have also learned a great deal. I feel terrible asking for more but I am desperate. I need prayer. I also need minds sharper than mine. I am in a battle not for my life but my child’s. For years I have been fighting and I am so very tired. Pediatric cancer is a monster and we have no savings left no doctors with the knowledge left and now there is yet another new and painful mystery ailment. Now I need to go to yet another new hospital where I have to meet round after round of doctors. We have had such horrible experiences that just the idea of another hospital makes me nauseous. I feel like I am walking this tightrope. I have to give them enough information to help them figure out what to do or test to order but if I don’t address them just right we will be blown off. Twice I didn’t handle that right and twice we had to be life flighted when it wasn’t “me overacting “ it is so hard. My only comfort is knowing that at the end of the day it is in my Lords hands. Yet I am literally trembling as I organize all the paperwork and pack and check meds. Please please pray for us. The pain is tremendous and with a compromised liver my options are limited. We have been pressured so hard to transition to palliative care but that is not something he is ready for and in truth neither am I. He doesn’t want a painless death he wants to live!!!! We are very much in the crosshairs because of my refusal of the clot shot and I suspect there is something in the doctors notes because that was when everything changed. Please please pray we get breakthrough. His cancer is well managed but they still push palliative care. I am alone and I am exhausted and I can’t do it anymore but I will because I can’t NOT fight for him. I have seen God deliver so many times and my faith in him is strong but my faith in our medical system is completely broken.
I can’t do this alone
🧘Mental/Physical Health 🏋🏼♂️
I am both hopeful and concerned because of the compromised liver. Ivermectin I am not concerned about but fenbin may overwhelm his liver. Weirdly his last bone marrow was really good. Clots are our battle ground. Thankfully I denied the vax but yet he clotted. I have ran as close as possible to a clot clearing protocol but again I don’t know enough medically and I don’t have the equipment to do too much. It is so scary and frustrating. If it were me I would not be near so cautious. Not giving up though. There is a way forward I just haven’t found it YET
My son took serrapeptase and nattokinase every day to prevent clotting and still, when the cancer got really bad, it did nothing. He had huge painful clots form and then the hospital ramped up his heperin shots which took care of it. I later came upon using DMSO for clotting and was blown away by what I found. There's a lot of info out there on it if you look on Yandex but here are a couple of links to get you started: https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2903705/posts https://eaec.org/health/what-is-dmso.pdf
Sadly, my son passed away before he was able to try this, but hopefully it will be useful to you. God bless!
sortofsamuel my deepest condolence. The clots are our battle currently.God it's awful. the pain Heperain is a no (HITT. Response).Eliquis is what they are hoping will work.i want to look more into nattokinase because from what I understand it helps the fibrin response.
Please look into nattokinase to dissolve the blood clots. It dissolves 50% of clots within 2 hours. Can purchase on Amazon. I would also start high doses of Vitamin D3 and C. Get plenty of sunlight and NO sugars. My prayers for you and your child.
Added: Methylene Blue in combo with red light therapy, Vit C.
Side effect: pissing green.
The cells take up this coloration (blue) and then light can do it's thingy. Also, together with Vit C, it is the nuke under anti-oxydants. Mitochondria is reset.
There was a post here on removing arterial plaque via lycine and liposomal vit. C. Protocol was no carbs/sugar 2 hrs before and 1 hour. Lycine, no protein 2 hrs before or 1 hour after. Both can be taken at the same time. Dose 2xday
Here it is... https://greatawakening.win/p/1995CSTfQl/how-i-100-cleared-out-my-fatheri/
Have you heard of Milk Thistle for liver?
i was told Milk Thistle and garlic to rejuvenate the liver.
...also see new Dr. Bryan Ardis post on Black Seed Oil.
Also. I hate that we are in the same club. It is the worse club ever. Please let me know if you ever need anything.
Oh THANK YOU!!! Will be following up on mistletoe for sure
Many people recommend taking Tudca with fenbendazole to protect the liver, I’d definitely take it if I were on fenben