586BC AoC 'lost' during the Babylonian sack of Jerusalem
Think about it though. What are the chances that something that precious & that valuable is actually lost in a raid. Maybe an earthquake or a flood but a raid? no. First of all, no common thief could take it because as soon as they touch it they die
Either the Jews did something to hide it from Babylon or Babylon took it. Whoever it was, passed that secret on to others. No one is foolish enough not to pass on that sort of secret to those of the same cause but younger.
At the same time, though, the best way to prevent anyone from taking something from you is to make sure very few people know you have it. So some secret group or another had it hidden somewhere & passed that on down.
Whether it was the Jews, Babylon or some other group, chances are with all the crusades, the crusaders would have heard of it, secretly reported it back to the pope at the time & the pope would have had it's recovery as a prime objective.
So eventually the church would have it, ie the Vatican
Trump (or the military working with Trump) learn of the whereabouts of the AoC
May of 2017, Trump meets with the Pope & somehow or another manages to get it from him. (Trump is a master negotiator & also could have compromising material on the Pope)
October 2017 1st Q drop. It would take 5 months of so for Q to develop a plan. Maybe the plan was even made with prayer, idk but they knew that since the AoC was in their possession they not only knew that they are destined to win but that it will be biblical
How more biblical can it be than having the actual AoC? THIS is why Q knew it would be biblical. All those co-incidences are maybe not from any human figuring it out but by God himself, putting all them it. Q & whoever was on the Q team made their plans & did their actions God - who is both at the present & the future at the same time, weaved all those coincidences into it.
BTW speaking of biblical, the biblical number is 7. Everyone knows that. The 1st Q drop was Oct 28th 2017 & It speaks of HRC being arrested on Monday.
10/28/2024 is 7 years later and it is a Monday! Would be a great October surprise.
2 Maccabees
* The same document also tells how the prophet, in virtue of an oracle, ordered that the tent and the ark should accompany him, and how he went to the very mountain that Moses climbed to behold God’s inheritance.b
When Jeremiah arrived there, he found a chamber in a cave in which he put the tent, the ark, and the altar of incense; then he sealed the entrance.
Some of those who followed him came up intending to mark the path, but they could not find it.
When Jeremiah heard of this, he reproved them: “The place is to remain unknown until God gathers his people together again and shows them mercy.
Then the Lord will disclose these things, and the glory of the Lord and the cloud will be seen, just as they appeared in the time of Moses and of Solomon when he prayed that the place* might be greatly sanctified.”c
Jeremiah 3:16
King James Bible
And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.
definitely something significant about a 7 year delta... pretty much universally recognized as the number that represents the completion of a cycle. colours, alchemy, chakras, notes in a major scale, days in a week...
8 represents the first step in a new cycle, a repetition, which is why an 8 is used as the symbol for infinity.
it would make a ton of sense for this to be the real deal
Revelation 11:19 NKJV
[19] Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.
Easiest way to verify right now is ask any NG if they're scheduled for deployment 10/30. I still believe she's already been arrested, but we also need the public version to happen i guess.
586BC AoC 'lost' during the Babylonian sack of Jerusalem Think about it though. What are the chances that something that precious & that valuable is actually lost in a raid. Maybe an earthquake or a flood but a raid? no. First of all, no common thief could take it because as soon as they touch it they die
Either the Jews did something to hide it from Babylon or Babylon took it. Whoever it was, passed that secret on to others. No one is foolish enough not to pass on that sort of secret to those of the same cause but younger.
At the same time, though, the best way to prevent anyone from taking something from you is to make sure very few people know you have it. So some secret group or another had it hidden somewhere & passed that on down.
Whether it was the Jews, Babylon or some other group, chances are with all the crusades, the crusaders would have heard of it, secretly reported it back to the pope at the time & the pope would have had it's recovery as a prime objective. So eventually the church would have it, ie the Vatican
Trump (or the military working with Trump) learn of the whereabouts of the AoC
May of 2017, Trump meets with the Pope & somehow or another manages to get it from him. (Trump is a master negotiator & also could have compromising material on the Pope)
October 2017 1st Q drop. It would take 5 months of so for Q to develop a plan. Maybe the plan was even made with prayer, idk but they knew that since the AoC was in their possession they not only knew that they are destined to win but that it will be biblical
How more biblical can it be than having the actual AoC? THIS is why Q knew it would be biblical. All those co-incidences are maybe not from any human figuring it out but by God himself, putting all them it. Q & whoever was on the Q team made their plans & did their actions God - who is both at the present & the future at the same time, weaved all those coincidences into it.
BTW speaking of biblical, the biblical number is 7. Everyone knows that. The 1st Q drop was Oct 28th 2017 & It speaks of HRC being arrested on Monday.
10/28/2024 is 7 years later and it is a Monday! Would be a great October surprise.
2 Maccabees
* The same document also tells how the prophet, in virtue of an oracle, ordered that the tent and the ark should accompany him, and how he went to the very mountain that Moses climbed to behold God’s inheritance.b 5 When Jeremiah arrived there, he found a chamber in a cave in which he put the tent, the ark, and the altar of incense; then he sealed the entrance. 6 Some of those who followed him came up intending to mark the path, but they could not find it. 7 When Jeremiah heard of this, he reproved them: “The place is to remain unknown until God gathers his people together again and shows them mercy. 8 Then the Lord will disclose these things, and the glory of the Lord and the cloud will be seen, just as they appeared in the time of Moses and of Solomon when he prayed that the place* might be greatly sanctified.”c Jeremiah 3:16 King James Bible And it shall come to pass, when ye be multiplied and increased in the land, in those days, saith the LORD, they shall say no more, The ark of the covenant of the LORD: neither shall it come to mind: neither shall they remember it; neither shall they visit it; neither shall that be done any more.
New King James Version
definitely something significant about a 7 year delta... pretty much universally recognized as the number that represents the completion of a cycle. colours, alchemy, chakras, notes in a major scale, days in a week...
8 represents the first step in a new cycle, a repetition, which is why an 8 is used as the symbol for infinity.
it would make a ton of sense for this to be the real deal
This is the ark,hiding in plain sight i belive.
Great little read. Thanks for sharing. I have learned things today!
It is at Mar-a-Logo obviously 😉
The Bible says the Ark is in heaven.
Revelation 11:19 NKJV [19] Then the temple of God was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightnings, noises, thunderings, an earthquake, and great hail.
Easiest way to verify right now is ask any NG if they're scheduled for deployment 10/30. I still believe she's already been arrested, but we also need the public version to happen i guess.
Electric magic in ancient religious priesthoods/practice: