posted ago by jhartz39 ago by jhartz39 +190 / -3

Q told us the military was the only way. Dave from X22 has told us a thousand times, the military is the only way. When you think about the vast number of evil entities attempting to destroy the USA, (MSM, 3 letter agencies, corporations, social media, Zionist, Marxist, Globalist, UN, WEF, ect), can you understand why the military was the only way?

However, the Posse Comitatus Act bars federal troops from participating in civilian law enforcement on American soil.


Certain laws had to be lifted to allow the military the authority to conduct operations on domestic soil. The Insurrection Act is what gave the military the authority.


Trump needed a coup or a Insurrection to sign the Insurrection Act. Trump could not get the military and military intelligence participation if he WON the election.

Military intelligence takes over control of 3 letter agencies after the Insurrection Act is signed. The prerequisite to signing the Insurrection Act had to be a stolen election.

Bret Baier participated in the Democrat Insurrection but you have to ask yourself if he was instructed to call the Arizona election results before the votes were countend. Who instructed him?

I said earlier, Bret was a well respected conservative journalist before calling the Arizona election. Calling the election early for Biden would almost guarantee Trump the ability to engage the military.

Given the way he grilled Kamala couple days ago tells me he has been working within the Democrat party as a counter insurgent.

You must read Q post 14, 22, 23, 28 and 34. Q tells you what was going to happen, before it happened.

Have a good day!