Ok Friends We have too many Artillery firing memes. We need people fighting in the infantry, down in the trenches of the comment sections of social media. If all you do is look at the posts here and don't use the information, then you are failing your mission. ANYONE can post memes and info here.
- N C S W I C -

Just careful not to waste a couple of hours in an argument with an AI bot...
LOL I did that trying to date off of Craigslist back 15 years ago. You'd get these replies that sorta went with what you sent...
doesn't really matter, if people are going to see the argument. not a waste of time. unless the bot really trolls you around in circles. but in my experience, they out themselves after not too long.
bots are easy to recognize.
I love messing with the lefties on reddit!
I'm not on Reddit, but YouTube comments can be fun, and Yahoo hones your subtle skills in the article comment sections. You can't be more blunt or yahoo will reject your comment. They screen before its made public.
A sample: I won't reply to the EBD comment
Me People vote with their wallets and have a short memory. Kamala did so poorly in 2020 she dropped out of the race, and wasn't it at 0%? Biden did poorly at one debate, and she is shoehorned in to replace him. He has been Bernied while in office.
publisher's logo EBD Sun 20 Oct 2024 02:30:17 PM Your point? How many times did Lincoln seek public office and was rejected?
When you see a post with obvious lies or manipulated information. Comment about it with sauce.
If you aren't on social media except here you aren't on active duty and we don't need reserve troops at this crux.
Good call.
That's not true at all. There have been sveral occassions where I cannot post memes and info here....all because I said "two moar weeks, guys!"
So you had restrictions placed on your account here because you were mocking us?
Do you realize just how much the other side tries to disrupt our message board here? We are blessed to have moderators who are willing to ban or restrict accounts rapidly to keep this place running smoothly. Without that this forum would have devolved into chaos ages ago.
Sorry your account got restricted, but it was probably warranted. I trust the moderators here are doing their best.
guess what , it is about two more weeks till election day.
Jesus never bans anyone. neither do sanctified Christians. We point out the futility of their arguments. No real man needs a moderator. All censorship goes against the 1st Amendment of the US Constitution. Echo Chambers are dangerous and can lead to another type of oppression. GOD delights in challenges. GOD isn't deceived by man's filthy righteousness.
Untrue. Jesus did not permit the demons to speak in his ministry.
And he healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons. And he would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew him. Mark 1:34
Christians should practice good spiritual discernment over who and what they include in their lives.
Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not become partners with them; Ephesians 5:6-7
A private website moderating against trolls in no way violates the 1st Amendment or any part of the US Constitution.
that's so stupid. you have no idea how awful this place would be without the mods.
i agree that they can be overzealous in their decluttering. but it's far better than the alternative.
this is a community with a specific topic and its own rules. there are plenty of communities for people who disagree with us.
existing in an echo chamber implies that you are unaware of the arguments against you. does that apply to any of us? yeah, i doubt it.
I don't think I referred to you as stupid.
Most folk here are highly intelligent and are quite skilled at using the tools provided to moderate their own feeds. If I don't like or agree with a post. I just skip over it or just block the user. I get corrected about something I post and thank the one correcting me. America has always been the nation that understands that there are two sides to every situation. Wise people examine all evidence pertaining to a matter and then make a decision. We've been fighting this battle a long time We can handle the occasional stupid post and keep it moving. Censorship is the foundation of communism. Funny thing is, it is usually the Word of God that gets Censored the most.
So now you are sensitive. Never got that meme when libs did it. They did that when they had nothing else to contribute to wisdom. What man would use a little girl meme among adults? We are doing everything we can to fight Pedos and you throw this up? Wow.
What makes you think you can lead Men? You gotta be tough to be a Patriot. Come on boy..Step up your game.. Never say or post anything that you wouldn't say to Jesus. My personal advice.
if something you posted got removed unfairly, i recommend you just try posting it again. maybe at a different time of day, in case one mod in particular doesn't like it.
there is plenty of disagreement and room for discussion on GAW. and i have never heard of Scripture being censored... there are plenty of scriptural posts here that remain on the board.
free speech isn't absolute. just because someone invites you into their house, doesn't mean you can say anything you want while you're there.
you're just gonna have to get over it. best wishes
If it can't stand a challenge it's not worth standing on. 2 out of 3 pigs verify my statement.
The guy that won the fight never calls the police. it's always the loser.
Sauce for Living.
You need to calm down. You know damn well that "two moar weeks," is hilarious and completely accurate commentary on the nature of some of the foolishness here. That said, come Tuesday, guess what.....TWO MOAR WEEKS! Its not a fucking movie, put the popcorn down pussies!
ive done my time in the trenches sir. im a veteran now :D
Lol me too! Cant wait to see the bad people swing, ruined my life they did...
I prefer talking to real humans.
Good! I do that too! I have literally had people on the bus scream at me "You can be assassinated!"
A bust strategy is to strike up a conversation with a bus driver or passenger and talk about events with them. If they are based then you can get a little deeper. The conversation is not directed at the driver, but at the ears listening... I don't try to Q people, just make them wise to things that might affect them personally. A small red pill here and there can be easy to swallow.
I have also had people yell at me to quit distracting the driver because they don't like the conversation. Been awhile since someone threatened me with harm.
Post in the comments sections of you tube and at least get an X account to upvote and repost.
I don't have a lot of time for X but I always upvote and repost good stuff posted here.
And quit taking screenshots and posting them with no links please....
That's not a link, just a jpeg. A message with at least a photo gets more attention than text alone.
You wouldn't believe what I post on X, enough to get me killed. I'm un-useable with no reachable assets.
Youtube censors a lot now, not as much as Yahoo.
Yes at least upvote and repost. Comment with truth when bad people lie.
MANY have been banned from social media before you got here. This very site grew from people that have been banned from other so called truther sites. Info is provided to make sure that what we send out is accurate and true. If your post can't stand up with your peers you can learn. The Apostles of Jesus had debate among each other. The Founding Father's had debates with each other. Both led to establishing the Greatest institutions of all time. There is no greatness without tribulations. ADULTS should be able to handle well presented intelligent discussions.pro or con. Some things are presented here that aren't on SM. If you fear opposition you are the weak on. ADULTS can block or ignore what offends them. Being your own moderator is the the first step to being AMERICAN.
Yeah, I never was banned until 2020. The thing is you can just make a new account.
I don't block anyone. I don't care what they say to me, I just give it back to them the same as they dish out. Until I am bored then skip over.
I hit deport on obvious shills and most of the time they are gone, but then they just come back so.
People have been conditioned to not budge or admit they were wrong. I have had temp bans here and I don't dispute them, I just move on, often I was posting something non-germaine to GA.
Easy for most....but I'm still serving life sentences in X(twatter) and on facecrook. Multiple appeals to get my followers back since Elon took over. All denied. Not as conservative as it looks apparently
That is where a burner phone or phone number, and another X account come in handy. On my fourth X account...