China is highly demonized in the liberal media and even the truthers have sadly bought into it. C...
You see, China is actually an ultra conservative state which does not give liberals or degenerates an inch. China believes in honor and have high moral standards. This is at odds with liberal philosophy, and so China is demonized and lied about like Russia...
Dude, no. Chinese citizens literally living in shitholes. Government class is harvesting their organs. The stock market is controlled by the government to take all their money and there are bank runs
People need to stop shilling for China. Xi is a sociopath bent on making life we miserable for people as possible.
Allowing unmitigated poverty to exist with zero welfare for able bodied adults is called freedom to fail
Yeah, freedom is great, but freedom to fail paired with perverse limits on success, and no real freedom to succeed, it's called tyranny. Despotism at the very least.
Well that's a lie. The percentage of people living in extreme poverty in China is comparable to the US and other countries -
There are many ways to measure success. The right to have children is one; free access to travel is another; and so is speaking your mind. The country and its people have many good features, but success in China is qualitatively very different than in the U.S. Has the economically successful Jack Ma been heard from recently?
Also, "not living in extreme poverty" is laudable. But it's not the same thing as success. Success is obviously subjective, but it'll be impossible to have a decent debate until you define your measure of success. And for most Americans, if you don't include things like free travel, free speech and free assembly, the discussion is not worth having.