I get mail addressed to my sister-in-law. Apparently, she's voting democrat whether she likes it or not. But - a postcard came the other day with those same words. It did seem threatening.
It's a public record,if you voted or not. My brother used to get our state data base to help campaigns mail to likely voters. You don't want to waste money on people who don't vote.
This is the first election year I've seen this ad. And I'm hearing and seeing it A LOT.
Me too. Tons!
I get mail addressed to my sister-in-law. Apparently, she's voting democrat whether she likes it or not. But - a postcard came the other day with those same words. It did seem threatening.
It sounds very threatening
It's a public record,if you voted or not. My brother used to get our state data base to help campaigns mail to likely voters. You don't want to waste money on people who don't vote.
Yeah, but why tell us this now, over and over again? Are they going to make voting mandatory?
They want to tell the illegals they can see if they voted.
No vote = no money.
Interesting thought
It sounds very North-Korean-policy to me
I keep hearing this one, and the one with a black kid telling me that Donald Trump is going cost me thousands of dollars per year.
With Trump leading this big a lot of Democrats will lose interest in voting, what is the point?
Threats like this make it seem like they will be held accountable for making it difficult for them to cheat.
It's probably related to their head cannon that "not voting = vote for Trump".
Along with "voting for a third party = vote for Trump".
Yes, I was asking the same thing!