I didn't see Judeo Christian in scripture.
PAUL was explaining that all who believe that Jesus was the Son of God.and believed on His name will be grafted back into the Living Vine... until they do that they are a dead Vine.
Jesus tells what happens to dead vines
How can born again Christian be connected to dead thing?
Jesus told you these people were liars.
Jesus is saving them for last.
And according to Romans 11, they will be. It's simply a matter of time. The Living Tree we are grafted into is a Hebrew (derived from Eber, another ancestor of Abraham) tree. If you read the whole of Romans 11, Paul still loves his non-believing Israelite brothers and sisters, and even goes so far as to say if it were possible, he would be cursed for their sake. Some are being regrafted in as we speak!
Not a believer Yet?
Then they are a dead Vine.
Dead vines are cast into fire according to Jesus my source.
Living things shouldn't be listening to the dead.
Jesus says let the dead bury their own dead.
Many will be caught out of position in these times because of lack of knowledge.
We are just looking for the lost souls who will be saved.
The choice will be theirs.
Believers have the Words of Eternal Life.
We're good and our adversaries know it.
Our Covenant is Superior to any other in Creation because it Sanctified by the Blood of the Lamb of God.
They've already deceived Sammy Davis,Jr.
and John Hagee..
What about you?
That's why Paul said this, Romans 11: 11 - 20 If we are looking to find lost souls who will be saved, we should have the same heart for them the Apostle Paul does:
I agree completely. This was my readings of Romans as well, in addition to the fact that teachings of Old testament was "reset" when Jesus died on the cross. We no longer had to sacrifice animals to make up for sins, or pray in tabarnacle or anything else. All we had to do was believe that Jesus was the Son of God, and he was the lamb of God was was sacrificed for the sins of Humanity and we have to follow his teachings by making ourselves constantly walking on the path to the Kingdom of Heaven, correcting ourselves continuously everytime we veer off.
As Paul is teaching that God's grace now covers not only the Israelites but the Gentiles also, the question rises as to whether God has forsaken his initially chosen children.
Paul addresses this question by saying that the fact that God's grace now covers Gentiles does not mean He has forsaken the Israelites.
Romans 11 establishes that Christinity is not just for non-Israelites but also for Israelites and both of them can follow the teachings of Jesus to reach the Kingdom of heaven, and the Israelites are not bound to keep following the old teachings. They don't need to keep sacrificing animals, nor praying in Tabarnacles.
Agreed! But they are free to (at least where Tabernacles is concerned), as long as they understand they are free to, and do not have to for salvation. Some Christians also join their Messianic Israelite brothers and sisters in celebrating Tabernacles, and some of these even believe Jesus was likely born on the first day of Tabernacles.
Jesus says let the dead bury their own dead.
Believers are Tabernacles. Are they celebrating themselves?
GOD hasn't forsaken anyone but His Only BEGOTTEN Son. That was for our Salvation.
Nothing Lives unless it's connected to the Living Vine.
That's biblical and scientific.
Please read Romans 11.
I didn't see Judeo Christian in scripture. PAUL was explaining that all who believe that Jesus was the Son of God.and believed on His name will be grafted back into the Living Vine... until they do that they are a dead Vine. Jesus tells what happens to dead vines How can born again Christian be connected to dead thing?
Jesus told you these people were liars. Jesus is saving them for last.
And according to Romans 11, they will be. It's simply a matter of time. The Living Tree we are grafted into is a Hebrew (derived from Eber, another ancestor of Abraham) tree. If you read the whole of Romans 11, Paul still loves his non-believing Israelite brothers and sisters, and even goes so far as to say if it were possible, he would be cursed for their sake. Some are being regrafted in as we speak!
This Orthodox Jew is not a believer -yet! But he does think Jesus is the solution for the ME: https://www.oneforisrael.org/news/israel-at-war/orthodox-jew-shares-radical-solution-for-peace-in-gaza-jesus/
Not a believer Yet? Then they are a dead Vine. Dead vines are cast into fire according to Jesus my source. Living things shouldn't be listening to the dead. Jesus says let the dead bury their own dead. Many will be caught out of position in these times because of lack of knowledge. We are just looking for the lost souls who will be saved. The choice will be theirs. Believers have the Words of Eternal Life. We're good and our adversaries know it. Our Covenant is Superior to any other in Creation because it Sanctified by the Blood of the Lamb of God. They've already deceived Sammy Davis,Jr. and John Hagee.. What about you?
That's why Paul said this, Romans 11: 11 - 20 If we are looking to find lost souls who will be saved, we should have the same heart for them the Apostle Paul does:
NASB 95 https://www.blueletterbible.org/nasb95/rom/11/11/s_1057015
If you prefer, here's the King James Version https://www.blueletterbible.org/kjv/rom/11/11/s_1057015
I agree completely. This was my readings of Romans as well, in addition to the fact that teachings of Old testament was "reset" when Jesus died on the cross. We no longer had to sacrifice animals to make up for sins, or pray in tabarnacle or anything else. All we had to do was believe that Jesus was the Son of God, and he was the lamb of God was was sacrificed for the sins of Humanity and we have to follow his teachings by making ourselves constantly walking on the path to the Kingdom of Heaven, correcting ourselves continuously everytime we veer off.
As Paul is teaching that God's grace now covers not only the Israelites but the Gentiles also, the question rises as to whether God has forsaken his initially chosen children.
Paul addresses this question by saying that the fact that God's grace now covers Gentiles does not mean He has forsaken the Israelites.
Romans 11 establishes that Christinity is not just for non-Israelites but also for Israelites and both of them can follow the teachings of Jesus to reach the Kingdom of heaven, and the Israelites are not bound to keep following the old teachings. They don't need to keep sacrificing animals, nor praying in Tabarnacles.
Agreed! But they are free to (at least where Tabernacles is concerned), as long as they understand they are free to, and do not have to for salvation. Some Christians also join their Messianic Israelite brothers and sisters in celebrating Tabernacles, and some of these even believe Jesus was likely born on the first day of Tabernacles.
Jesus says let the dead bury their own dead. Believers are Tabernacles. Are they celebrating themselves? GOD hasn't forsaken anyone but His Only BEGOTTEN Son. That was for our Salvation. Nothing Lives unless it's connected to the Living Vine. That's biblical and scientific.