Couple nights ago his daughter Maureen said he had qualified for good-behavior-based early release with activities including service work: teaching principles of this Constitutional republic's government to other inmates.
I agree his past is suspect. Not sure what to think about it. But with War Room, he has substantially contributed to the Patriot cause. That show.kept me going through the dark days of 2020 and 2021 especially.
Can't wait to get him back on the WarRoom!!! I bet he will have lots to say about what has happened over the last 4 month.
Couple nights ago his daughter Maureen said he had qualified for good-behavior-based early release with activities including service work: teaching principles of this Constitutional republic's government to other inmates.
Spicy! 🔥
Grifter, got his street cred to continue the grift. Look into his connections and his past, folks.
I agree his past is suspect. Not sure what to think about it. But with War Room, he has substantially contributed to the Patriot cause. That show.kept me going through the dark days of 2020 and 2021 especially.