According to Canadian historian Matthew Ehret, Jackson worked with the British to cripple the newly formed USA. We celebrate, as we think Trump does, that he killed the 2nd National Bank. But a national is not a central bank. The first is public and exists for the good of the country, while the second is private and exists for the good of the banksters.
I realize that this is an inversion of everything we anons think about Jackson, and I don't know what to believe, but know it bears investigation.
Didn't Andrew Jackson want him shot?
That's because Clay allegedly made a deal as Speaker of the House to get John Quincy Adams elected in exchange for a cabinet position.
Which partly explains what are believed to be Jackson's last words:
"I only have two regrets: that I have not shot Henry Clay or hanged John C. Calhoun."
well done cringe. we all might now know who could start up the history lessons for our new educational system. would you be interested?! Kek!
According to Canadian historian Matthew Ehret, Jackson worked with the British to cripple the newly formed USA. We celebrate, as we think Trump does, that he killed the 2nd National Bank. But a national is not a central bank. The first is public and exists for the good of the country, while the second is private and exists for the good of the banksters.
I realize that this is an inversion of everything we anons think about Jackson, and I don't know what to believe, but know it bears investigation.