254 Scavino with some hyuge comms. (media.greatawakening.win) Q-analysis! posted 100 days ago by queue-anon 100 days ago by queue-anon +254 / -0 105 comments download share 105 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
The numbers over the posters may be dates. Notice "Panic in DC" is November 5th. u/#q2417
Nice work! That very well could be the dates.
Yes, that 11/4 movie also makes sense in light of the 11.4 arrest of Podesta in the ol' post 34 too. Dang. This is maybe starting to fit together now!
You have more than you know ?
Maybe that's shown in reverse chronological order, meaning "days until election."
So Fisagate happens with 6 days until election, Panic is 5 days until election, and gaurd v. pedos on 4 days before election.
(I'm just brainstorming here)
or the riots start on 11.4 trying to protect the pedophiles who will lose power on 11.5, they are in a panic because they know the declass starts on 11.6
Or count-down = days before the election.
I've never seen that!! Still don't see it, terrible eyesight lol. But I believe you 🥰
Yes LBT! 👏