Man serving 30 years for attacking Nancy Pelosi’s husband gets a life term on state charges
The man who was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison for attacking the husband of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi with a hammer in their California home has been given a life term without the possibility of parole following a separate state trial.
For playing hide-the-hammer??
He must really have something on Hillary ...
Except the ponytail, sounds like an anon.
"This is a man who has always been a peaceful, law-abiding person up until his ACTIVATION,” (emphasis mine) interesting...
Such BS. Powerful older man lures this man to his home. Hammer play is brought on by the older man. The younger man rightfully aware that is life is actually in danger takes control of the hammer. Hammer time... Victim gets life.
That is Cali 'Just US' for you.
I dont understand.... Wasnt it just a lovers quarrel? The window was broken from the inside, etc. Iiii just dont really get it....
and Paul Pelosi answered the door in his shorts and a drink in his hand. didn't look like he was in danger until AFTER the cops got there, then the MK Ultra dude tried to hit him. wonder what the "trip" word was, that was used to make the dude go into hammer time?
David DePape did not kill himself.
Sounds extreme for California. I guess some people re more equal than others.