Two days ago, I posted my theory that the Twin Towers were based on Samson's Pillars, and Wikileaks will blame 9/11 on Israel, triggering Israel to feel that its very existence is threatened and responding with the nuclear Samson Option.
Two days later, today, Bibi is saying "If Israel falls, the entire world will follow." The article is posted with a picture of Samson knocking down the two pillars. The post has 236,000 views so far.
And now, just a few minutes ago, WIkileaks is joining the party, targeting Mike Pompeo and mentioning the risk of Pompeo/CIA/Israel with nuclear weapons. Wikileaks has been dragging Pompeo and Israel through the mud throughout the entire month of October.
Two days ago, I posted my theory that the Twin Towers were based on Samson's Pillars, and Wikileaks will blame 9/11 on Israel, triggering Israel to feel that its very existence is threatened and responding with the nuclear Samson Option.
About the same time, Trump said on Rogan that a single nuke could take out Israel.
Two days later, today, Bibi is saying "If Israel falls, the entire world will follow." The article is posted with a picture of Samson knocking down the two pillars. The post has 236,000 views so far.
Also, Putin is conducting NUCLEAR weapon drills.
And now, just a few minutes ago, WIkileaks is joining the party, targeting Mike Pompeo and mentioning the risk of Pompeo/CIA/Israel with nuclear weapons. Wikileaks has been dragging Pompeo and Israel through the mud throughout the entire month of October.
Only one week left to the election.
Pompeo belongs in the mud.
Starting to look like a true black hat. But who knows in the end.
We'll have to wait for the big reveal on Nov. 6.
Funny enough, Trump said Pompeo was a good person, at least when talking about his time during the Trump admin
pompeo gave the order to go after julian but maybe the reason was to catch the actors.