Consequences are coming soon.
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Thinking 2020 was a “getting legal authority” to monitor a whole bunch of people thing. 2024 is the sting. Trump is warning them again and again but the trap is about to slam shut.
Also; That E.O. Trump signed authorizing asset seizure against anyone & any group / organization that commits election fraud.....what was that EO again??
ETA: I think 13848 / 13849:
Just because you guys are beautifully autistic & might figure it out; Check out this weirdness;
Here's wikipedia's "complete" list of EO's signed by Trump;
Either scroll to or search for "13848" - they're obviously in numerical order on the page.
When I click the normal-looking hyperlink to presumably take me to more info about, well, E.O. 13848, I get this weird message:
See for yourself; here's the link;
My frist thought is that - especially with THIS E.O. in particular, there are no coincidences. I think we all know why [they] would want to hide the language of that EO...... seems it very well could be used to bring a TON of demons to justice......
However, It seems I get a similar error for other EO's; 13850 and 13851 were all I tried.
What do you guys think; is wikipedia purposely trying to hide the language of some of Trump's EO's???
The fact that Left wing and DS assets are trying to hide the exact context of that EO tells you all you need to know.
Great post. Thanks.
Thank You!