It's sad that some Americans unironically believe this will happen under President Trump's next administration. The mainstream media indoctrination and mass formation psychosis runs deep.
🧠These people are stupid!

The biggest logical fallacy of The Handmaid's Tale is that the repressive regime (originally based on Iran) was using women in their twenties and thirties as handmaids and not fresh teenaged girls with years of childbearing ahead of them.
But who am I kidding? That entire book is a logical fallacy serving as rape porn for washed up liberal women.
That needs 1 more panel, with the girl yelling "Please!!".
There are lot of deluded 'handmaiden tale' females out there.. mostly liberal
None of them are attractive either.
It’s the female equivalent of the gamma-male wish fulfillment fantasy that high status males would, with the aide of their high status female counterparts be socially obligated to rape these 4/10s…
The CRAZY is strong in these women.
I can't find it, but didn't Stormy Daniels say "rape can be sexy" or something along those lines?
It was E Jean Carroll
Here's a GAW post on it
Ah thanks. Hard to keep all these swamp creatures straight sometimes
That was E Jean Carroll. The one who accused Trump of rapping her on a department store.
I think it was the Jeanne Carroll person.
There are some women who like rape fantasies, or they would not have been used as much as they have been used in erotica or older romance stories. Of course in those stories - and presumably most of the private fantasies - the "rapist" is usually the man the female protagonist really wants to have sex with, but pretends not to for whatever reason, not some random dude she doesn't know or truly dislikes. They have been mostly dropped now unless you count something like 50 Shades of Grey where the woman sort of gives consent beforehand, I think (never read it or watched the movie, not my thing), but pretty much the same fantasy still. (I used to read those older romance stories when I was a teenager...)
And my guess is that a lot of those fans of something like Handmaid's Tale really do get off with that idea even if they may not be willing to admit it to even themselves, as that image kind of gives them the excuse to submit to a masculine if "bad boy" type of man, if only in their imagination, when they have been taught that they never should and should prefer more "soy boy" types as mates. And that may be part of the reason for the popularity of that story even if it is a dystopia, and the author probably didn't mean for that to happen.
Or maybe she did, being knowledgeable enough of modern women to know that the sex fantasy part would sell, especially clothed in that "safe" feminist disguise so that those women could publicly admit to being fans without anybody figuring out that maybe it's more due to the smut part than anything else even if the smut is in the reader's mind rather than anything clearly described in the text.
Okay, that comic does describe the smut part of Handmaid's Tale quite nicely, but when it comes to that book and why it became such a phenomena: it does combine several "woke" points brilliantly with that hidden on the surface sexual fantasy. You get the victim narrative, combined with the "bad religion and bad patriarchy", but those together would never have pushed the book into the success it became. The last ingredient, that sex fantasy, is probably what really did it.
I did read it in the 90s, and the damn thing is boring as hell. But for somebody who was indoctrinated as a modern feminist it does give the "permission" to read and imagine what it might be like to be something like that one in the sultan's harem who becomes a favorite over the more beautiful women because she can give him a heir.
All of what you said, but what pushed the book mainstream was Margaret Atwood changing the original concept of the novel (repressive regime based on the Ayatollah era Iran) to please her academic cohorts, and said cohorts giving her an award for it and pushing that book to the right people in the media.
It's propaganda from its inception, and like most award winning books, is juvenile and unreadable once you actually really read into it.
sex FANTASY is right and stooopid wym act like this is reality in their own lives!?!
They want it, maybe, on some level, because they are very not happy with their lives. So they pretend.
FANTASY fiction. It is all FANTASY fiction.
It is the government what wants them marching in lock step, uniformly.
Well yes it is pretty awesome to have the male you desire be physically more imposing than you are. Sorry but that is one of the biological imperatives, having to do with the males being able to protect the females and children. Too bad normal tendencies have been mocked as they have. It has made humans very confused. Biological roles are in our DNA and society tries to invalidate nature. But forcing oneself on another person is a character flaw on one end of a scale that extends from boorish all the way to the most vile, immoral and lethal behaviors.