I seem to remember President Trump saying something about “ those voting illegally in will be punished” . That would be very well received by all law abiding Patriots.
My wife and I live in Southwest Washington where the liberals set fires to drop boxes. We checked to see if our ballots were received…and they were .That being said there are a ton of “low information voters “ as The Great Rush used
to say
Sad, but true. What do you think Trump can do to clean up the corrupt media. Reversing Obama's propaganda bill will help. Once the news is prevented from lying in such fearmongering ways, the brainwashed will come around easily.
For reference about the propaganda bill, which is 100% true:
The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, Public Law 80-402, 62 Stat. 6, limited/prohibited the government from propagandizing its own citizens through controlling the narrative.
This law was repealed/modified with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, 112TH Congress 2D Session H. R. 5736, This changed the Smith-Mundt Act by taking away the the government’s limit and prohibition of propagandizing its own citizens by controlling the narrative..
The bill was passed by Congress, rolled into the NDAA, and signed into law by Obama in 2013.
I seem to remember President Trump saying something about “ those voting illegally in will be punished” . That would be very well received by all law abiding Patriots.
He ought to also open up a path for every one of us to check and see if our ballot was received. I think so many got trashed.
My wife and I live in Southwest Washington where the liberals set fires to drop boxes. We checked to see if our ballots were received…and they were .That being said there are a ton of “low information voters “ as The Great Rush used to say
Sad, but true. What do you think Trump can do to clean up the corrupt media. Reversing Obama's propaganda bill will help. Once the news is prevented from lying in such fearmongering ways, the brainwashed will come around easily.
For reference about the propaganda bill, which is 100% true:
The Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, Public Law 80-402, 62 Stat. 6, limited/prohibited the government from propagandizing its own citizens through controlling the narrative.
This law was repealed/modified with the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, 112TH Congress 2D Session H. R. 5736, This changed the Smith-Mundt Act by taking away the the government’s limit and prohibition of propagandizing its own citizens by controlling the narrative..
The bill was passed by Congress, rolled into the NDAA, and signed into law by Obama in 2013.
This made it legal for the government to disseminate propaganda at home and abroad.
*Now you know why our news went to shit in 2013.