Operation Warp Speed also had a shield against liability because these were not typical licensed vaxxine products - they were emergency use.
You are right about the approach. They lied about the efficacy and hid the data - that is fraud. They can be brought down for that. It can't happen soon enough.
This is the first I am aware that Pfizer elected not to be part of OWS. Therefore, they do not have an immunity from liability umbrella. Let it pour!
The liability umbrella has to do with it being a vaccine, not because it was done under Operation Warp Speed.
That being said, if it can be proven that they lied about the efficacy of the vaccine and such then THAT is what the States and such can get them on.
Operation Warp Speed also had a shield against liability because these were not typical licensed vaxxine products - they were emergency use.
You are right about the approach. They lied about the efficacy and hid the data - that is fraud. They can be brought down for that. It can't happen soon enough.