There isnt a single Trump voter who voted for Slutkin in Michigan. Not a single fucking one. Trump won the State and Slutkin was down all night and most of the next day by 5 points or so. So how did she win? Fraud.
I really cant wait to see the tribunals for the triumvirate of vile criminal cunts that have stolen this State from the People. Michigan is and always has been a red State. How can any rat win when the rat fraud machine of Unions and the black AME Churches broke for Trump?
This needs to be done in AZ and NV as well. Those Senate races are extremely suspect.
Same with WI and MI.
There isnt a single Trump voter who voted for Slutkin in Michigan. Not a single fucking one. Trump won the State and Slutkin was down all night and most of the next day by 5 points or so. So how did she win? Fraud.
I really cant wait to see the tribunals for the triumvirate of vile criminal cunts that have stolen this State from the People. Michigan is and always has been a red State. How can any rat win when the rat fraud machine of Unions and the black AME Churches broke for Trump?
Something needs to be about those health officers in MI.