I need some help fleshing this out. Feel free to add to it.
Acting Secretary of the Department of Defense Chris Miller thanked VP Pence for efforts in "most complex military operations this country has ever conducted".
Miller to VP Pence: “We’ve been through some stuff. We’ve gone through some of the most complex military operations this country has ever conducted...thank you for your leadership... character... selfless service...”
That was December 2020. Three weeks later Pence certified the 2020 election, and the aftermath of that was the passage of the Electoral Count Reform and Presidential Transition Improvement Act of 2022. That act specified that the vice president's role at the joint session of congress to count electoral votes is ministerial and that he or she cannot solely adjudicate disputes over electors.
That bring us to 2024, and now Kommublabla is VP and will be presiding over the joint session of Congress to certify the election. ECRPTIA has effectively neutralized the VP in any disputes arising from the count. We know the demonrats have something up their sleeve and are waiting to strike. They've been too quiet since Tuesday but have made it clear they will pull every dirty trick to not certify the election. I'm wondering how ECRPTIA plays into their scheme.
We've debated whether Pence is a white hat, black hat, or gray hat. If this is all part of the plan, I'm of the mind he's a gray hat who leans white. We know he was aligned with Paul Ryan at one point. However, we've seen plenty of people come out of the dark into the light. Maybe he's one of them but has stayed behind the scenes?
Anyway, my thoughts on this are kind of scattered and I find it difficult to assemble the pieces. What say you, my fellow frogs?
I find irreconcilable the premise that Q is real, that the DJT presidency was planned and supported by military intel, that DJT plays 5D chess, BUT that they also installed a black hat individual in to the most crucial secondary position - the one that would make Pence POTUS if anything happened to Trump.
Trump was blackmailed into making Pence VP? Nope
Trump was controlled by the Party to install a snake as No. 2? Nope.
Trump didn't know who Pence was? Nope.
None of these propositions make any sense to me, juxtaposed with what I know (or think I know) about Q and Trump and the Plan.
You do not put an evil snake into you most important backup position, which is what the VP position is. This is tantamount to putting everything you have worked for at the greatest possible risk. On a knife's edge.
There are lots of other data points that say to me that Pence is who I thought he was during the whole Trump Admin #1, and they might be debated, but the above I find to be irreconcilable with what I believe is the truth about Trump and Q.
This is THE point that breaks the Pence narrative.
Either Trump is who we think he is, or Trump isn’t who we think he is. It isn’t possible to bail on Pence without bailing on Trump. At the very least he was somehow under full control.
That Trump May end up making peace in the Middle East has me more skeptical of things than anything Pence has done. However, “peace in the Middle East” is only what’s taught. Does scripture actually agree with that? It seems unlikely, but it is worth watching and being aware of. I believe we are somewhere in prophecy, but not 100% certain where. How many of us have gone through and tested all prophetic scriptures against claimed historic events and fulfillments, current events, and planned events? It would be an awfully convenient narrative to avoid peace in the Middle East for the adversary to put out the narrative that anyone who did so was the antichrist now, wouldn’t it? We can’t have peace without reality ending, and terrors everywhere!
The truth of the matter is, Satan will try and attack anything intended for good to flip it for evil, and God can turn anything intended for evil to be used for good for those who love Him.
We all have to get the planks out of our own eyes first, before anything else. Live as best as possible in the moment, always trying to hear and discern God’s will for us.
I don’t buy that either/or. The third possibility is Trump is who we think he is and he is not all powerful, so he had to make compromises along the way. I think it is clear this is true because if all the traitors his had surrounding him in the White House his first term. Trump has publicly admitted this
Trump had to address having traitors all around him for a few reasons.
One is because that question left a notable number of voters "on the fence" about Trump. I know people who are "Red Team" voters historically, but couldn't get over the question of how Trump had all of these lame ducks around him.
Another reason - from my perspective, was an acknowledgment, for anyone who needed it - that he is aware - and why they will be seeing him perform that process much differently this time.