Sometimes the joke is so hilarious it can't Not be told.
I had a half second pause last December at work when someone wondered where an employee was, bc a response instantly came to me that me laugh so hard, I thought, Should I? I can get fired if the liberals hear. But then I thought, F- it, it's too funny Not to say, & blurred it out.
There was a moment of silence & then huge laughter from the guy who had asked the question. He looked around & said, Dude, that's f-ed up - but funny as hell!
Let's not mock the Amish, they came through for us.
When push came to shove, they weren't afraid to stand up for what is right. We should all be like this.
No kidding. It makes you wonder (((who))) runs the Bee. It's a disrespectful thing to say about the Amish.
Sometimes the urge to be funny,outweighs good sense.
Sometimes the joke is so hilarious it can't Not be told.
I had a half second pause last December at work when someone wondered where an employee was, bc a response instantly came to me that me laugh so hard, I thought, Should I? I can get fired if the liberals hear. But then I thought, F- it, it's too funny Not to say, & blurred it out.
There was a moment of silence & then huge laughter from the guy who had asked the question. He looked around & said, Dude, that's f-ed up - but funny as hell!
The Amish came through and I'm grateful. I don't see how this is mocking though? I didn’t read the article yet though either..