Question; Nancy you’ve made millions in the stock market knowing in advance news of companies that were in trouble should you be tried in court over insider trading?
I honestly think it would have been the same regardless if Newsome, Butplug, Kobichar was in the picture. It's the DNC and their strategists that are so out of touch. Kamala was just the best choice out of all them because you can point to her with how she treated the border.
That's all water under the bridge and soon to be a small speck in the rear view mirror. We will move forward together but not forget the lessons learned.
Waaa waaa waaa. You got outsmarted by a man with dementia. How does that feel, Nancy-pants?
You lizard creep . Go slither away and don’t come back !
Nancy is gonna retire next year. She can only vote present so many times between Vodka Tonics
Well Nancy we have had 4 years of Joe and his cronies f***ing us. Welcome to it.
I want her dealt with for tearing up the SOTU!
Didn't this cretin say that Biden's face should be added to Mount Rushmore?
Indeed she did. How quickly her loyalties shift.
She should be torn in half like the SOTU speech.
Patriots in control, it had to be this way.
Question; Nancy you’ve made millions in the stock market knowing in advance news of companies that were in trouble should you be tried in court over insider trading?
I honestly think it would have been the same regardless if Newsome, Butplug, Kobichar was in the picture. It's the DNC and their strategists that are so out of touch. Kamala was just the best choice out of all them because you can point to her with how she treated the border.
Lol thought they already figured that out. My standards are too high for these libs
That's all water under the bridge and soon to be a small speck in the rear view mirror. We will move forward together but not forget the lessons learned.