I want to know who sat around and “war gamed” this. I want to know who wrote this up and whose eyes it was read by. I’m sure it went all the way to the top.
I want to know names. Every single person who didn’t object to this plan or these ideas.
I suppose they were going to send local LE to do their bidding on this one.
After the end of the first week and they ran out of the dumber cops across the nation as they all died in a hail of gunfire, and the smarter ones are refusing to go so they don't get themselves and their families killed in their own homes late at night, was their contingency plan to send in the dancing nurses?
Around these parts those local law officials deputized by the CDC to carry out their agenda would have told them "Are you stupid fucks out of your minds? This is Appalachia, there's hollers here we stay out of because we know better."
WHO will they send to force 120 million Armed Americans to enter a camp that was 'planned' by unelected Morons that we already know are lying criminals? Their 'plan' was not planned out very well.
I stepped out often. Didn't "social distance", or hide in my house like an idiot. The only good thing about the lockdowns was that, living in a blue state, people mostly obeyed. The lack of traffic was amazing. A destination that would normally take 45 minutes or so took twenty minutes.
Same here! Blue state. I was absolutely floored by the compliance. I didn't comply at all. I went and did whatever I wanted. I walked into stores without masks and had young girls saying to me as I walked by that I needed a mask to enter and my reply was "well I don't want to wear one " and just kept going and not a darned thing ever was done. They just went back to talking amongst themselves. It was all in people's heads.
I want to know who sat around and “war gamed” this. I want to know who wrote this up and whose eyes it was read by. I’m sure it went all the way to the top.
I want to know names. Every single person who didn’t object to this plan or these ideas.
And then I want to see them in handcuffs.
I want to see them in Gitmo
Ya, agreed, wanted to say worse but…
I suppose they were going to send local LE to do their bidding on this one.
After the end of the first week and they ran out of the dumber cops across the nation as they all died in a hail of gunfire, and the smarter ones are refusing to go so they don't get themselves and their families killed in their own homes late at night, was their contingency plan to send in the dancing nurses?
In other words, were they out of their tiny minds?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: Yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssss.
Around these parts those local law officials deputized by the CDC to carry out their agenda would have told them "Are you stupid fucks out of your minds? This is Appalachia, there's hollers here we stay out of because we know better."
Or UN.
WHO will they send to force 120 million Armed Americans to enter a camp that was 'planned' by unelected Morons that we already know are lying criminals? Their 'plan' was not planned out very well.
Worked pretty well with lockdowns. Everyone willingly became a prisoner in their own homes. Very few stepped out of line.
I stepped out often. Didn't "social distance", or hide in my house like an idiot. The only good thing about the lockdowns was that, living in a blue state, people mostly obeyed. The lack of traffic was amazing. A destination that would normally take 45 minutes or so took twenty minutes.
Same here! Blue state. I was absolutely floored by the compliance. I didn't comply at all. I went and did whatever I wanted. I walked into stores without masks and had young girls saying to me as I walked by that I needed a mask to enter and my reply was "well I don't want to wear one " and just kept going and not a darned thing ever was done. They just went back to talking amongst themselves. It was all in people's heads.
Not even close to everyone.
You must be watching MSM and believe their lies. There were No lockdowns in my state.
These folks must hang publicly.
It's an extension of operation "Garden Plot" from the 1960's.