Tracking menstrual cycles is the basis of Catholic birth control. It just helps women (pEoPLe wHo mEnStRuAtE) know when they are most fertile. If they want to become pregnant, that's when they have the sexy times. If they don't want to become pregnant, they avoid the sexy times or practice their pull-out game. Having an app to replace the pen and paper method that has been used for centuries isn't weird. What's weird is that the blue-haired beauties think that they are literally going to be abducted when they become pregnant and forced to give birth without their consent.
I fully understand Catholic beliefs surrounding birth control. I'm just amazed women today need an app. I'm 59 with 2 children and 2 grandchildren. Women for hundreds of years have tracked menstrual cycles - no app. Lol it's NOT that difficult
Tracking menstrual cycles is the basis of Catholic birth control. It just helps women (pEoPLe wHo mEnStRuAtE) know when they are most fertile. If they want to become pregnant, that's when they have the sexy times. If they don't want to become pregnant, they avoid the sexy times or practice their pull-out game. Having an app to replace the pen and paper method that has been used for centuries isn't weird. What's weird is that the blue-haired beauties think that they are literally going to be abducted when they become pregnant and forced to give birth without their consent.
I fully understand Catholic beliefs surrounding birth control. I'm just amazed women today need an app. I'm 59 with 2 children and 2 grandchildren. Women for hundreds of years have tracked menstrual cycles - no app. Lol it's NOT that difficult
They got no rhythm...