My brother lives next to a bridge, not sure how high it is but it looks very tall over a railroad track. This year he was clearing a tree line within a 100 feet of the bridge. Soon he saw people gathering, then the cops showed up, and he was like…who am I pissing off now? They were all looking down and then he noticed a body lying in the railroad tracks. Some multi colored haired girl. While he was working right there, she’s just walked up and jumped off. Not sure how long she laid there suffering while he was literally right there. She lived. But she’s gonna be messed up probably for life. Heard she was broken from head to toe. Lower half was totally busted. Every bone shattered. And she just laid there for awhile. She probably would’ve died if night would have fell on her. Have no idea how a passerby saw here. Maybe someone looked for her phone? I was like dude…your situational awareness failed! He said I guess I need to keep an eye on those tracks with how young people are nowadays.
It takes a lot more thought and premeditation to go through with suicide by bridge. A gun sitting in your home provides much more convenience to get it over with in a split second of depression.
Not only fragile, but unimaginative, too! There are bridges literally everywhere!
Too dark?
despite instructions being readily available online they'd tie the knot wrong.
My brother lives next to a bridge, not sure how high it is but it looks very tall over a railroad track. This year he was clearing a tree line within a 100 feet of the bridge. Soon he saw people gathering, then the cops showed up, and he was like…who am I pissing off now? They were all looking down and then he noticed a body lying in the railroad tracks. Some multi colored haired girl. While he was working right there, she’s just walked up and jumped off. Not sure how long she laid there suffering while he was literally right there. She lived. But she’s gonna be messed up probably for life. Heard she was broken from head to toe. Lower half was totally busted. Every bone shattered. And she just laid there for awhile. She probably would’ve died if night would have fell on her. Have no idea how a passerby saw here. Maybe someone looked for her phone? I was like dude…your situational awareness failed! He said I guess I need to keep an eye on those tracks with how young people are nowadays.
It takes a lot more thought and premeditation to go through with suicide by bridge. A gun sitting in your home provides much more convenience to get it over with in a split second of depression.