232 “Nominees for the People”: RFK Jr. Launches Crowdsourcing Campaign for Nominees in Trump Administration — Submit Your Picks Now! (www.thegatewaypundit.com) posted 123 days ago by pepperonishoes (context) 123 days ago by pepperonishoes +232 / -0 "Nominees for the People": RFK Jr. Launches Crowdsourcing Campaign for Nominees in Trump Administration — Submit Your Picks Now!... In an unprecedented move, Robert F. 43 comments share 43 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I'd like to see some ga.w anons nominated! (i know, it's going to be hard with our mostly anonymous group, but we can hope!)
I'm thinking of Ryan Cohen for the SEC.
MOASS is tommorow
Maybe Elon can get his revenge on the SEC. He hates short selling and called short sellers evil.
Tommorow works for me.
It seams like they have been slowly covering lately
$DJT is on the reg sho list I believe and orange daddy isn’t gonna like his company being naked shorted.
The Overstock CEO would be awesome. He fought the shorts for over a decade
He would be great.
Patrick Byrne is his name. There's been some rumors about him serving on Trumps team
That would be excellent. If there were a way to have a GAW page for nominees and nicknames could be used for GAW participants and Anons, I would go in for that.
I think some of the big Qanon influencers that have been Qd may get positions. He should hire Karli Midnight Rider.