What I see the need for is Food and nutrition education. When I walk around a grocery store all I see are poisens. IIf USAans knew what they were eating, they would stop eating this crap.
The young people don’t cook real food anymore. If you look in a young mother’s cart, it’s full of boxed, frozen and canned foods with too much salt, sugar, and fat. There are rarely any fruits or vegetables.
Draining the swamp.
A firing squad would send a much, much better message.
Move the decimal one more place to the right.
Well, that's a good start. 60k in a few months would be excellent!
People go nuts when they know they are getting the boot , why doesn’t he wait to say this , wait until he has special protection under trump
True. They're so completely lacking in control that I think they're desperate enough to bust out the UAP/alien distraction soon🐸
We are still waiting for the fake space aliens. I'm very disappointed.
What I see the need for is Food and nutrition education. When I walk around a grocery store all I see are poisens. IIf USAans knew what they were eating, they would stop eating this crap.
The young people don’t cook real food anymore. If you look in a young mother’s cart, it’s full of boxed, frozen and canned foods with too much salt, sugar, and fat. There are rarely any fruits or vegetables.
I ran across the guy the other day who didn't recognize a regular ordinary pear
Oh wow! That’s so funny and so shocking at the same time!
But this is not a role for government.
Agreed, they should not be telling us what to eat, but every person needs to know what to eat and we dont.
Spill the beans on Plum Island and Ft Dietricht labs as well
They need to keep all that to themselves untill they actually get in a position to do it.
A man on a mission. He’s perfect for the role. I’m grateful he switched sides and is on Team Trump.
Out of 18,000? Not enough. Fire moar! Fire them all!
Guess they'll have to learn how to do computer programming...