Wow. These are the harshest words I've heard Trump espouse since his victory. He almost sounds like he wants to go after the universities moreso than the MSM. I also fear for Trump's safety more now that he's made that statement. Think of all the loonatic professors whose jobs will be terminated. They will be very angry and probably think the only way to get restitution is to do something stupid towards Trump. (Head on a swivel, Donald) I like the idea of going after the money. That chunk of change will run this country for a year, what better way to utilize it than paying down our debt or helping those folks who really need a hand up.
I agree, with your observation and his sentiment. Because the MSM are products of this communist-dominated system. It's the culmination of the government indoctrination daycare centers, whose designers openly intended to replace family and church with government and state, to produce workers for the Rockefeller factories just smart enough to run the equipment but too dumb to reason why/not, and prepared for the "inevitable" consolidation with communism. We were at their endgame.
Wow. These are the harshest words I've heard Trump espouse since his victory. He almost sounds like he wants to go after the universities moreso than the MSM. I also fear for Trump's safety more now that he's made that statement. Think of all the loonatic professors whose jobs will be terminated. They will be very angry and probably think the only way to get restitution is to do something stupid towards Trump. (Head on a swivel, Donald) I like the idea of going after the money. That chunk of change will run this country for a year, what better way to utilize it than paying down our debt or helping those folks who really need a hand up.
I agree, with your observation and his sentiment. Because the MSM are products of this communist-dominated system. It's the culmination of the government indoctrination daycare centers, whose designers openly intended to replace family and church with government and state, to produce workers for the Rockefeller factories just smart enough to run the equipment but too dumb to reason why/not, and prepared for the "inevitable" consolidation with communism. We were at their endgame.
What would an angry liberal professor do, throw a Birkenstock at him?