He also allowed Big Pharma to avoid any monetary responsibility for damage or death caused by vaccine injury...this was major legislation protecting drug companies from liability against "we the people"...a major disaster allowing drug companies to make obscene profit at the expense of our future generations of children...a very sad day....it shows how powerful Big Pharma lobby is and how they control Congress...this needs to end.
Yes, it also shows how ignorant ( forgive me to all who love him ) many Americans are because; he is well loved and intensely revered in the Republican Party and by many patriots ! I actually forgot about the-vaccine immunity ! Thank you Fren for bringing this to light , however I’m more pissed now lol !
Wow I didn’t realize so many people on here, many , including yourself, who’s opinions I respect, feel the same as I do concerning his presidency . He was so beloved, it seemed by both partys . I always thought we got screwed !
His speech about aliens was good, but he didn't even write that:
When I see Biden with his little jog or Reagan talking with his head side-shaking, I feel like reaching into the computer screen to slap them upside the head.
Other Reagan accomplishments:
Firing airplane tower operators who wanted increased pay. What happened? Airplane accidents!
Saying ketchup was the vegetable in school lunches.
Pushing trickle-down economics: Make the rich richer, and they will allow money to trickle down to the poor.
What I have noticed recently is that people who don't feel the sting about bad policies think their leaders are doing a good job. My siblings have double incomes and no kids. They remain woke. They can afford to be woke.
He also allowed Big Pharma to avoid any monetary responsibility for damage or death caused by vaccine injury...this was major legislation protecting drug companies from liability against "we the people"...a major disaster allowing drug companies to make obscene profit at the expense of our future generations of children...a very sad day....it shows how powerful Big Pharma lobby is and how they control Congress...this needs to end.
Yes, it also shows how ignorant ( forgive me to all who love him ) many Americans are because; he is well loved and intensely revered in the Republican Party and by many patriots ! I actually forgot about the-vaccine immunity ! Thank you Fren for bringing this to light , however I’m more pissed now lol !
I remember work being enjoyable and satisfying before Reagan. Sometimes we would have wine and cheese parties after work.
After Reagan became president, the workload dramatically increased, there was increased stress, you felt you got hit by a train by the end of the day.
I remember the quality of life went down with him and never got better.
Wow I didn’t realize so many people on here, many , including yourself, who’s opinions I respect, feel the same as I do concerning his presidency . He was so beloved, it seemed by both partys . I always thought we got screwed !
His speech about aliens was good, but he didn't even write that:
When I see Biden with his little jog or Reagan talking with his head side-shaking, I feel like reaching into the computer screen to slap them upside the head.
Other Reagan accomplishments:
Firing airplane tower operators who wanted increased pay. What happened? Airplane accidents!
Saying ketchup was the vegetable in school lunches.
Pushing trickle-down economics: Make the rich richer, and they will allow money to trickle down to the poor.
What I have noticed recently is that people who don't feel the sting about bad policies think their leaders are doing a good job. My siblings have double incomes and no kids. They remain woke. They can afford to be woke.
Ronald at the Bohemian Grove: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EWRUcedUwAMGOaj.jpg:large
Ronald with David Rockefeller: https://s.hdnux.com/photos/57/77/54/12581636/3/rawImage.jpg
Ronald with David Rockefeller: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/C0NmeMW1Hck/hqdefault.jpg
Ronald with David Rockefeller: https://ogimg.infoglobo.com.br/in/21086983-57e-3fc/FT1086A/652/davidrockreagan.jpg
Rockefeller: https://www.quotemaster.org/images/c1/c15649740e2168cc6d05507d9e174e82.jpg
Ronald with David Rockefeller: https://media.gettyimages.com/id/1431806091/photo/party-at-ronald-reagans-east-coast-residence.jpg?s=2048x2048&w=gi&k=20&c=Pd2AHjfbimJ6pFrgzjzaWx-IlZC-qRwvs1N8eXffzfE=