The plus of LBJ (dem) was the 1964 civil rights act ---- which ended the blacks-as-slaves status.
The negative ---- LBJ escalated the Vietnam Conflict
The positive of Nixon (rep) was to end the Vietnam Conflict
The negative of Nixon was to outsource US industry to Chinese slaves
The Democrats (the slave party) have been fighting to use Chinese slaves ever since ---- they have evolved into the "Globalists".
The Republicans, have begrudging evolved to become Nationalists --- they (RINOS) are still trying to kick the Chinese slave habit. A good dose a Tariff will help. China has been tariffing the US for years now.
Spoke with a liberal recently, their attitude seems to be “throw them all in jail, and I still won’t state my positions or what we should do. Also Trump is hiring a sex trafficker for AG and I’m freaked out by it.”
Imagine being so dense you don’t know who’s been exposing the sex trafficking networks yet.
It’s so dumb it almost makes me wonder if it’s just an attempt to pump me for information by them playing dumb.
Well it’s starting to come full circle back into traditionalism with liberal women vowing to be celibate, only having sex with marriage potential, staying living with parents… lol it’s great
A lot of the people like this post as their main source of income,we should support them with upvotes and reposts and such. They may have lost their jobs for being right wing or refusing the vax or what ever.
I believe President Reagan’s quote is appropriate here” I didn’t leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.”
Democrats went too far left into insanity.
When I was a little kid, my parents voted for JFK.
IMO The Democrats started to sour at LBJ. when he used our grocery money to get the "N" (his words) vote.
sending all the strong young boys into the grinder to obliterate Vietnam is how LBJ should be remembered
Yep. LBJ is another POS war monger
Damn right. That is how I remember him.
The plus of LBJ (dem) was the 1964 civil rights act ---- which ended the blacks-as-slaves status.
The negative ---- LBJ escalated the Vietnam Conflict
The positive of Nixon (rep) was to end the Vietnam Conflict
The negative of Nixon was to outsource US industry to Chinese slaves
The Democrats (the slave party) have been fighting to use Chinese slaves ever since ---- they have evolved into the "Globalists".
The Republicans, have begrudging evolved to become Nationalists --- they (RINOS) are still trying to kick the Chinese slave habit. A good dose a Tariff will help. China has been tariffing the US for years now.
I realized something fundamental about democrats’ mindset. They say they’re for the poor man, but they just want everyone to be poor.
If Reagan thought the Democrats went too far in 1962. He’d be convulsing in his grave when he finds out just how bad it has become now.. 🤣
Back in the '60's the left was just sticking it's toe in the pond. Now they've jumped in with hundredes of land whales.
Went from Obama legalizing gay marriage to mentally ill cutting dicks off.
Spoke with a liberal recently, their attitude seems to be “throw them all in jail, and I still won’t state my positions or what we should do. Also Trump is hiring a sex trafficker for AG and I’m freaked out by it.”
Imagine being so dense you don’t know who’s been exposing the sex trafficking networks yet.
It’s so dumb it almost makes me wonder if it’s just an attempt to pump me for information by them playing dumb.
Ya Id say ya who knows lol
Well it’s starting to come full circle back into traditionalism with liberal women vowing to be celibate, only having sex with marriage potential, staying living with parents… lol it’s great
Which means some of them still espoused ideals that arent conservative. I thought that defined a rino. These are cooperative rinos.
Here is the link,for people who want to engage.
A lot of the people like this post as their main source of income,we should support them with upvotes and reposts and such. They may have lost their jobs for being right wing or refusing the vax or what ever.