The debt was created from thin air by the international banks. There was nothing backing the fiat dollar other than a forced promise posed on the American people to repay it. That money was created and thrivelessly wasted by corrupt politicians filling their pockets. It can be wiped clean when the Rothchild banking structure is eliminated. It has been a scam to charge the American taxpayer interest on a debt that was maliciously created for that purpose, sucking wealth out of the country.
The debt was created from thin air by the international banks. There was nothing backing the fiat dollar other than a forced promise posed on the American people to repay it. That money was created and thrivelessly wasted by corrupt politicians filling their pockets. It can be wiped clean when the Rothchild banking structure is eliminated. It has been a scam to charge the American taxpayer interest on a debt that was maliciously created for that purpose, sucking wealth out of the country.
Thank you. People don't get this