Electrons are found in layered clouds around the nucleus of atoms. The protons in the atom don't move from atom to atom, but the electrons can be pushed and pulled from atom to atom using electrical force. The force is called Electromotive Force (EMF). EMF is measured in voltage.
Genius Layered Meanings.
Shocking. Simply shocking.
E = I x R
Elon = I x R
Can a fren (s) finish the equation?
Volts (E) = Amperes (I) x Resistance (R)
Volts are known as Electromotive Force, and Amps are also referred to as Current, so...
Electromotive Force (EMF) = Current x Resistance (??)
EMF also known as Potential Energy
Electrons are found in layered clouds around the nucleus of atoms. The protons in the atom don't move from atom to atom, but the electrons can be pushed and pulled from atom to atom using electrical force. The force is called Electromotive Force (EMF). EMF is measured in voltage.
I learn something cool here all the time. Thanks!
That's PIE ;)
Can you please explain this for us tards in the audience?
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Retardation is his area of expertise.
Difference between a flowing river and a pressure washer.
Elon = Electron? EMF