Members of Congress and the Senate fall under different rules. You can't impeach them. Each chamber enjoys full authority to eject a member from their ranks. Pelosi actually threatened to do this to all Republicans back in 2020 if the election had gone to the house.
Once ejected, they are private citizens and it is up to the civilian courts. The states then need to figure out how to deal with the vacancy.
Also how many members of Congress, lawyers and heads of government agencies, as well as judges fall into this category?
Yes, I was thinking the same thing, all the way down to state level. I think it is a sign of things to come, drain the entire swamp!
Members of Congress and the Senate fall under different rules. You can't impeach them. Each chamber enjoys full authority to eject a member from their ranks. Pelosi actually threatened to do this to all Republicans back in 2020 if the election had gone to the house.
Once ejected, they are private citizens and it is up to the civilian courts. The states then need to figure out how to deal with the vacancy.